UR Connected records all time best


University of Regina welcomes high school students at UR Connected

Frank Elechi

The sixth annual UR Connected recorded the highest attendance number in its six-year history.

The University of Regina and its federated colleges played host to Grade 12 students from across the prairies on Oct. 21 and 22.  In total, there were 1101 students in attendance. 

“There were 771 Grade 12 students registered and taking part in the event, which is way above the 723 students we had recorded from previous editions. And we had 330 parents at the event – this is three times the number of parents we usually get at the event,” said Wanneta Martin, coordinator of the student recruitment team.

The event let prospective students experience a full day at the U of R. They met professors, fellow students, and got to know the rest of campus. There were also faculty sessions where prospective students explored the many degree options at the U of R, learned more about the various faculties and federated colleges, took in informative seminars, and participated in fun activities.

Wanneta thinks that the attendance at UR Connected could influence the number of students that enroll. “The experience at [the] University of Regina, which is what UR Connected provides, goes a long way to influence the decision students make. Many grade 12 students are undecided about which university they will attend, so what we did was to promote the services the University of Regina offers so that when the students make up their mind they will choose us.”

There were also some new features at this year’s event. The university success workshop, presented by the Student Development Centre, was introduced. Its aim was to help students develop skills to succeed both in their final year of high school, and in their transition to university.

“This year we introduced a student success workshop session and more participatory entertainment sessions, and each student had something to go home with. At the end we did a survey and we got a positive response from students and parents who attended,” said Wanneta.

During the past five years 5,000 students and their families have visited the U of R at UR Connected. Wanneta also hopes to follow up with attendees.

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