Try a hand at some quarantine sports

Trying to have some fun despite cancellations.

Goodbye ‘sports funnies’, hello ‘funny sports’

COVID-19 has made participating in sports activities difficult, to say the least. With public spaces, parks, and sports organizations slowly reopening and adjusting to the changes of our post-virus world, it’s no wonder that things have turned out a little different.

Sports have never been fully ‘cancelled.’ Despite the lockdown, creatives still found ways to get their exercise and practices in while others tried to adapt to life’s changes by inventing new sports or, at the very least, tweaking the setup of classic games for a coronavirus-themed twist.

Thanks to the lockdown, now we have a plethora of new social distanced sports and activities we can encourage our campus community to adapt. Here’s a glimpse of some that are potentially worth giving a shot:

Indoor Roomba curling

Marty (who goes by @martoo14 on Twitter) posted a video of himself doing some ‘Roomba curling’ when quarantine began. It sounds as simple as it is; just use a Swiffer in front of your Roomba to make it go faster.

Obviously this is a type of sport that would require intense skill and practice in order to master, but I believe it could really take off once COVID settles down. And, as a bonus, just imagine how clean that rink is going to be.

Sock Pac-Man

A modern take on a timeless classic. This game was coined by Twitter user Jamie @gnuman1979). The game? Put a sock on your hand, stand by a window, and eat approaching cars. The gain? Maybe some entertainment for a little while. Either that, or a disgustingly sweaty hand.

This admittedly has to have been one of the more addicting and engaging games as listed above.

Potential bonus points include “munching” on people wandering down the sidewalk.

Play tic-tac-toe with your fish

No, I’m not kidding. Draw a mini tic-tac-toe board on your glass fish tank and see what your fish does with it. Are they confused? Maybe intrigued? Maybe they’ll ignore it altogether! That’s the thrill of the game: never knowing what your partner is going to do.

Painfully reminisce on the infamous ‘13th man meltdown’ Saskatchewan Roughriders Grey Cup from 2009

Save this one for a day when you’re wanting to feel some pain.

Pretend to be a sports player (if you aren’t one)

This is a fun one. Put on a jersey and go for a walk. Done. Trust me, you’ll have the time of your life.

Dizzy golf

Spin in circles, then try to get a golf ball into a hole, putting and all. Fun for the whole family, minus the motion sickness. But, alas, such is the price of wanting to be a successful sports star. Fame comes at such a brutal price.

Just scream

Yelling into the void can be a healthy change sometimes. As a bonus, it’s a great workout for your abs.

Be a sports commentator for the birds outside

Everyone needs to get their professional speaking practice somewhere. Give it a shot by making the birds outside your home feel like they’re playing the sports match of their lives.

Try out quarantennis

Created and coined by the children of Joe Buck, a famous American sportscaster. Simple setup: put a tennis net on the ground, clear the surrounding areas, and get at it. It’s preferable to host this event in an indoor space, such as a living room or basement, as the terror of potentially breaking something is what adds that little extra thrill to the game.

Watch paint dry

Truly riveting. Admittedly, I feel as though the commentary for this sport in particular is far more intriguing to listen to than any other game previously mentioned.

I might admittedly also be biased because damn if this isn’t my favourite on the list. Really makes you feel alive.

Regardless, as we move forward into our new fall semester, we need not fret about the loss of our beloved sports. At the very least, we can hope that the campus community slowly begins to feature these new bad boys. We don’t need to be without sports this semester. We just need to get creative, I guess.

(Also, no, I didn’t make up all of these sports. Clearly, I only made up some of them.)

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