The truth about me

I can also levitate. Whatever /Arthur Ward

I can also levitate. Whatever /Arthur Ward

Article: Autumn McDowell - Sports Editor

Article: Autumn McDowell – Sports Editor

I like hockey.

If you’re reading this, it means that I am still the sports editor for the Carillon, suckers.
Some of you are probably excited about this, many of you are enraged, and the other portion of you can’t remember what you had for breakfast this morning, let alone who the hell I am.
For starters, my name is Autumn, obviously. I am currently in my fifth year – good God, I’m old – working towards a major in arts and culture with a minor in kinesiology. Essentially, that means I am getting a degree in electives, which will not be good for anything when I am finally done.
Many people are probably scratching their heads pondering why I am not in journalism. The truth is that I did indeed apply, but after thinking about it, I decided to withdraw my application. I had heard vicious rumours that our journalism program does not like sports people, and that previous applicants had not been accepted due to having a “sports heavy” portfolio.
Since all I have in my portfolio is sports articles, and have no intention of doing anything else with my life; after talking to other sports journalists who said a specific degree in journalism was not necessary, I took a different path than one might expect.
This might still seem like an idiotic decision and I can practically feel the eye rolls and shaking heads even as I write this, but truthfully, a degree in journalism wouldn’t change the fact that I am a girl. Some of you are probably ready to pull out a tiny violin and start playing it at this sob story, but being a girl in sports journalism is a never-ending battle. And, anytime a professor is a jerk to me, or someone else laughs in my face, I will write about it, so that everyone can know a bit of what I go through on a daily basis.

But I have learned to deal with all of that now, sometimes laughing to keep from crying other times creating small dartboards with people’s faces on them to put up in the office.
I have gotten used to the fact that there are some people anxiously waiting for me to mess up, but that’s fine with me. I quote Ferris Bueller who quoted John Lennon, “I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.” After all, he was the Walrus. I could be the Walrus, but I’d still have to put up with sexist crap from people.
Now that the annoying stuff is out of the way, on to the fun stuff: A brief personal ad about me: I enjoy hating Gary Bettman, cheering for the Pittsburgh Penguins, playing NHL 13 – or “chell” as we professionals call it – and pointing out other teams’ hilarious faults in a sarcastic manner, while integrating movie quotes from Dumb and Dumber whenever possible.
I do have a love for cheering on my fellow classmates on the field, court and ice – they serve beers at the games, you know. While I may not always be every team’s cheerleader, I promise to give accurate reporting of the games, win or lose.
If anyone would like to put a face to my name, though I’m slightly concerned you will want to push it in, I am always willing to chat. I’ll talk any sport, any team, any time. If you’re a Leafs fan, I’ll even make the odd exception and actually talk to you. I’m nice like that – providing you keep the bag over your head.

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