The summer job season is here again!

The dreaded interview process

The dreaded interview process

But have no fear, we have some tips to land your desired position

Article: Christell Simeon – Contributor

[dropcaps round=”no”]I[/dropcaps]t’s almost that time of year – summer job season. Have you applied for summer jobs? Applying is the easiest part of the season. The most difficult part is yet to come, and will ultimately decide how well the summer job season will be – the dreaded job interview! The Canadian job interview structure favours behavior-based interviews in which questions are asked to predict how interviewees will behave in particular situations within the workplace based on their past experiences. These experiences can be job related for those who have previous work experience, or academic related for those first time job applicants. Much needed tips on the art of interviewing was the focus of a seminar held on March 3, 2014 by the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.

Tip #1 – Preparation is key. The first step to scoring high on the interview is to ensure that the interviewee is well prepared. Typically, the employer provides a list of sample questions that may be asked in the interview. If not, sample questions can always be obtained on the Internet. These questions tend to focus on core behaviours such as: handling difficult relationships, managing stress, negotiating with other people, taking initiative, working under pressure and prioritizing multiple tasks. Use the best examples from your work experience or school life to properly describe the situation. Concentration should be on the activities that the interviewee did, and never on the actions of other persons in the workplace or group

Tip #2 – Practice, Practice and more Practice. The interviewee should ensure that there is sufficient time, after preparation of the answers, to practice before the actual interview. Practice can be done alone or with friends or family members. Since, a large percentage of interviews are done by a panel, practicing in front of a group of people may be more beneficial.

Tip #3 – Arrive on time and dress professionally. It is important that interviewees arrive early to the interview as it leaves a good impression on the employer. Additionally, interviews are formal events so interviewees should dress professionally even if the actual job may not require it. Remember, first impressions are lasting.

Tip #4 – Bring notes. Although it is frowned upon for interviewees to be reading their answers as questions are asked, interviewees can have a notepad with brief notes, that they can consult throughout the interview. These notes are points that the interviewee may forget, but want to emphasize.

Tip #5 – Sell yourself. The interview is the perfect opportunity to be an awesome salesperson. Interviewees must sell themselves to potential employers. Employers need to know that the interviewee is the right fit for their organization so the interviewee needs to convince them.

Tip #6 – Engage with the interviewers. At the point when the interviewers ask if there are any questions from the interviewee, it is beneficial to inquire more about the organization. Use the opportunity to ask about career advancement, and training for employees, future plans and goals for the organization or simply a description of the typical workday. Avoid asking about compensation, days off and vacation time. This is the time for interviewees to show they are genuinely interested in the job and the organization.

There should be no fear in approaching interviews. Prepare well, practice, be on time and dress professionally, sell your strengths using short notes while engaging with interviewers and definitely this summer will one of happy employment!

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