The Carillon is hiring!



If you read the issue of the Carillon that hit stands last Friday, you'll notice that page 16 tells you that we'll be hiring "some time in August." That time is now!

Well, not now, exactly. But soon! We'll be having our hiring meeting on Sunday, August 14 at 5:30 p.m. That night, the Carillon board of directors will be looking at hiring the following positions:

  • Arts & Culture editor
  • Sports editor
  • Op-ed editor
  • Features editor
  • Graphics editor *
  • Tech coordinator *
  • Distribution manager *
  • News writers (2)
  • A&C writer
  • Sports writer
  • Photographer (6) *

If you want to apply, please send an email to with the subject line "Application for 2011/12 Carillon Staff" and enclose a cover letter, your resume, and one to two pieces of writing.* You can also drop your resumes off at the Carillon office, room 227, Riddell Centre.

Remember that you can apply for up to two positions on our staff. Please have your submissions in by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, August 12.

* The starred positions, obviously, don't require you to submit pieces of writing. Graphics editor applicants have to include two to three pieces of graphics work, whether it's photos, illustrations, or other pieces of design work. Photographers should submit a portfolio consisting of at least three pieces of work.

† If nobody appears to be in the office, please leave the package as mail at the URSU desk. Or just email to us, that's probably handier.

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