Tag: World Cup
FIFA Women’s World Cup: The Canadian Experience
"This is the most beautiful game in the world and [you] should play it with a smile on [your] face.What’s wrong with: FIFA
“In his night show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, John Oliver showed in a sketch how FIFA imposes its own laws ...The World Cup from Brazil
“However, I noticed a dark side to World Cup.” -Sarah LuyendykRoundtable
“(On where LeBron will end up in free agency) maybe he'll go to Toronto, just kidding.” –Taylor SockettSports fives- the World Cup
“Keep your teeth to yourself next time Luis.”Musings on Soccer – From a Rookie
“The passion of the players and the crowd had a huge impact on how I viewed the game.”When Groups Attack
“Fandoms are at once the heroes and the collective underbelly of anything worth cheering for.”