Tag: hollywood
Another year, another Oscars
“Perhaps this can all lead to a better tomorrow when all is said and done.”-Ethan ButterfieldTerry Crews: strength and power
He should be remembered for one thing above all others – his immense character, his courage and bravery, and his strength; the ...We all know Harvey Weinstein
The all too often common joke of the “casting couch” or “benefits” men in power toss around as a disgusting joke has ...No whitewashing to be seen here
Oh, and what a surprise, the lead character in this film adapted from the Japanese classic is decidedly Caucasian.A missed opportunity for Trans* populations
"By casting a cisgender male, we completely erase the true message of Elbe’s Trans*ition: she is not, and never will be, a ...The Other Woman sucks
A solid waste of life Article: Tatenda Chikukwa – Contributor The Other Woman is much more horrible than the trailer advertised. There ...Don’t judge a book by its movie
“Hollywood seems to be running out of original ideas, based on the amount of movies based on novels, remakes, and comics.”