Tag: history
A reformist in Russia: Bertrand Russell’s visit to the USSR
Apparently not enough, since Marxism-Leninism is still the most popular socialist tendency among the far-left, despite their ideology having failed or turned ...Understanding mental illness
“Never forget that by stigmatizing a group of people or a particular behavior we will never solve problems; rather, we will reinforce ...Mastering the Game of Thrones
“One of the things that’s so important about Martin’s use of history is that makes the past live for us again” - ...Hooray for Sir John A.!
“But Macdonald was a visionary, and that was his justification.”The Great Debates: Disaster for Scotland?
A formal contest of written argumentation.It’s good to go here.
“The University of Regina may be small, and I laugh at all the jokes made at its expense, but we're a heavy ...Smarten Up, Econ!
“Economics today is an outlier in Arts because it does not promote critical thinking.”U of R book series
The Practice of Execution in Canada, which is a gritty, intriguing and at many points, nauseating account of capital punishmentDid Free Love in the 60s Start with Dief the Chief?
As most of you probably don’t know, I am a history major, and so history is what really interests me. Sometimes when ...