Tag: fascism
Why “Bash the Fash” is the wrong message
“America and Canada do not need to be made great: they need to be kept great.”Why “Bash the Fash” is exactly right
“America and Canada do not need to be made great: they need to be kept great.”Liberalism shouldn’t defend fascism
I am beyond tired of hearing that the alt-right and their Nazi sympathies are simply sharing their “opinions.”Punch more Nazis
By now, we’ve all seen Richard Spencer, a proud white supremacist, get punched in the face. It’s been giffed, set to “Let ...Ban Bannon: keep racists away from the White House
If his project can convince even one person to look into Canadian history and how we’ve arrived at this point, it will ...Norway killings a symptom of spreading ideology
Breivik's actions were extreme, but his motivations were all too common.