RAMS football


Sung to the tune of Lanigan’s Ball

Article: Farron Ager – Oped Editor and Autumn McDowell – Sports Editor

An excerpt from Drinking Songs of the Academy

In the town of Regina, one Ronnie Lancaster

Brought the Riders to a state of good fame

And grandson Mueller played, raised the Rams e’en faster!

Plays on a field and ten bleachers for games

He gave a grand party to friends and relations

Who did not forget him and would join a brawl

If you’d only listen, I’ll make your eyes glisten

At the rows and ructions of Rams Football

Myself a student got free invitations

For the last game versus hated U Sask

In less than a minute both friends and relations

Were dancing around and sharing a flask

Mugs of Pilsner and Bud for the plastered

Chicken wings, dips, there was burgers on trays

There were Muellers, McCrystals, and Lancasters

Counting the yards and dancing away


Six long months I spent in KIN School

Six long months doing nothing at all

Six long months I spent in KIN School

Learning to play for Rams Football

They were doing all kinds of nonsensical polkas

Round the field in a whirly gig

But Landon and I soon banished their nonsense

And tipped them a twist of a real football jig

Oh how the schmo he really got mad and we

Danced that you’d think that the endzone would fall

For I spent three weeks at KIN Academy

Learning to dance for Rams Football

CHORUS + additional lines:

And I stepped out – and I stepped in again

And I stepped out – and I stepped in again

And I stepped out – and I stepped in again

Learning to play for Rams football

The girls were as merry, the boys without shame

Dancing around and maintaining the drive

Till an accident happened and lost the bloody game

Missing the first post-season since oh five.

Frank McCrystal threw his hat and yelled “I’m fired.”

And called for his red shirts and told to prepare

We swore Sheldon Neald’s voice couldn’t go higher

At least we’re not as bad as the Golden Bears


Boy, oh, boy now this was destruction

Myself got a kick from big Aaron Picton

And I soon replied to his kind introduction

And kicked him most heartily in his left shin

Taylor the punter was nearly being strangled

They squeezed up his pipes, bellows, chanters and all

And the girls in their split jumps they all got entangled

And that put an end to Ram’s football


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