Prepping for Fashion Week

Crystal Springinatic knows her fashion.

Crystal Springinatic knows her fashion

One model’s dream come true

Article:Kaitlynn Nordal – Contributor

[dropcaps round=”no”]V[/dropcaps]ogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour once said, “You either know fashion, or you don’t.” Wintour means that a person is born with an eye for fashion. A Sense of Style cannot be taught.

For 22 local designers, their knack for knowing fashion is about to pay off. Some are getting ready for their second year showing at Saskatchewan Fashion Week while others are preparing for their big debut.

Saskatchewan Fashion Week model Crystal Springinatic is definitely one of the people who are born with the “it” factor.

The Carillon had a chance to sit down with her and talk about her experiences with Saskatchewan Fashion Week.

What made you decide to sign up as a model for this event in the past?

Crystal Springinatic: I always use to watch Jeanne Beker on Fashion TV cover Fashion Weeks from all over the world. I loved seeing the unique and creative designs make their way down the runway and hoped that one day I would be able to be a part of something so amazing. So when I found out that Regina was going to host the first ever Saskatchewan Fashion Week in 2012, I couldn’t wait to apply. Plus, I love the runway; the energy that you get from a show is amazing.

What is one of your favorite outfits you have worn for Saskatchewan Fashion Week?

CS: I have had the privilege to wear so many beautiful and unique outfits, that I really cannot pick just one. Some of my favorite outfits and accessories have come from Natali Kulichenko, Nadia Williamson, and Hillberg & Berk.

What is the most exciting part about being involved in something like this?

CS: The whole experience is so much fun. You start the day with hair and make-up, working with some of the best stylists and make-up artists in Saskatchewan. Once backstage, you get a chance to meet with other models before you change into your first look and go through hair and make-up touch-ups. As you line up to hit the runway, the nerves start to set in, but once the music starts and you take a step into the spotlight, all the nerves disappear. It’s very fast paced and exiting, I love everything about it.

Who is someone you haven’t gotten to work with yet and would like to?

CS: Laurie Brown is a fabulous designer originally from Flin Flon, Manitoba, who currently resides in Saskatoon. She is known for her creative and unique designs. One of my favorite collections is her Black and Gold Collection.


The hand-picked Saskatchewan designers will be showing their original, all new, fall and winter 2014 collections at Saskatchewan Fashion Week from May 8-10.

This year’s lineup features designers such as Stella & Sway, War Paint by Stevie Crowne, Studio Fashion House, and Laurie Brown.

Anyone from the audience will be able to purchase or order any of the garments seen in the Trunk Show right after all of the runway show ends.


[button style=”e.g. solid, border” size=”e.g. small, medium, big” link=”” target=””]Image: Alkan Emin[/button]

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