On starting over and what not

The struggle of pushing onward. Pixabay

Thoughts about moving on and starting again

By Isaac Adeoluwa Atayero

There’s something magical about wanting to start over. There’s a certain glimmer that accompanies wanting to become new. Human beings like new things: whether it’s a brand-new iPhone or a bouncing baby, new is cute, new is sweet, new is lovely, and new is desirable.

This is why we get touchy about new years, new months and even new weeks. From motivational Monday posts to New Year’s resolutions, there’s a constant: everyone desires a fresh start. But why?

Why does it have to be a fresh start? Why do we feel like opening a new book is cooler than reading the next chapter of an old one? How many times will you start over? When will you stop going back to the drawing board? Why do you have to start from scratch?

Don’t get me wrong. New days, new weeks, new months and new years give us time to reflect and strategize, which is excellent. However, we fall into this illusion of progress when we start over and sadly that’s all it is – an illusion.

Today I challenge you to try continuing. Pick it up from where you stopped and learn from yesterday’s experience. You’ll find that allowing yourself to exist in a familiar space is more magical than you’d have ever expected.

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