Monday Morning Art Show: Crossing Over



It goes without saying that art comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes, textures, and media. But the thing about art that comes out of the University of Regina art world is that when it’s not your typical oil painting or sculpture of various sex organs, it’s usually some really challenging, really messed up shit.

Case in point: the Crossing Over project.

Crossing Over is an online, intermedia art project that “link[s] university students around the world”. It’s a video/performance art project exchange that investigates the notion of cosmopolitanism (or so I’m told by one of the project’s contributors).

If you go to the front page of the site, which is hosted here at the U of R, you’re given an interactive baggage trolley. Click on a bag, and you’re brought to a video and an accompanying “Application for Permanent Residence” document that, for lack of a better descriptor, gives you barebones information on the subject of the video.

One video contributed by the U of R is an animated, stop motion nightmare. It’s oddly Lynchian in its portrayal of lonesome man haunted by odd apparitions, but mostly, the video is just really funny, and really fucking bizarre. You can watch the video here. (Unfortunately I can’t embed it here. At least, I don’t think I can. NOTE TO TECH. COORDINATOR: HOW DO I EMBED NON-YOUTUBE VIDEOS).

The video was created by U of R students Leah Keiser, Joel Kovach, and Jennifer Squires one Sunday afternoon. I could spend paragraphs deconstructing the video, but I’m not going to. It’s Monday morning, and I’m tired and have a newspaper to put together. Watch it, read the little Application by clicking the “Next” button on the bottom of the screen, and let me know what you think in the comments.

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