Give me something good to eat!

Another good thing about Canada: We don't age limit our trick or treaters /Image:

Another good thing about Canada: We don’t age limit our trick or treaters /Image:

Doesn’t matter the age, we still want candy

Article: Destiny Kaus – A&C Writer

“Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!”

Does there ever come a time in life where individuals should not chant this line at a stranger’s doorstep? Perhaps when kids hit high school or when adults bear their own children? According to a variety of university students, adults, and parents in and around Regina, Canadian culture doesn’t necessarily set a specific age.

“Generally I think people should quit trick or treating when they are about the grade six age.”

“I stopped going out once I hit grade ten, so I guess about 15.”

“Personally, I don’t think you’re ever too old to dress up and go trick or treating especially if you do it in a group, or as a family, and you dress up with your kids and go have fun.”

“I think as long as they’re willing to actually put in the effort to dress up and go out to get candy, I’d give them candy.”

One particular father of two admitted to trick or treating well into his thirties.

[pullquote]“Kids and adults alike should feel free to just dress up, go get some candy, and have some fun.”[/pullquote]

“The last time I went out I was over 30 years old and I did it just for the fun of it. I was not a tall man by stature, and I dressed up so that the folks wouldn’t recognize me. I remember one of the things I wore was a real gas mask, and I had a blast going to the houses of people I knew and ‘tricking’ them into giving me treats.”

This champ of a man is my hero. My goodness gracious, if society had half the guts to trick or treat up to and past age 30, the world would be a happier place. Sometimes, I think adults forget what it’s like to be kids.

As per usual, children love Halloween. When I asked four kids ranging in age from two to ten, “What’s your favourite part of Halloween?” I received these answers:

“Being a princess!”

“We get to see all the costumes and everyone decorate their houses.”


“Getting candy from the door.”

Such sweet, little gems. Kids clearly know what’s up when it comes to Halloween. To my surprise, parents didn’t view Halloween (AKA: Go-out-and-get-as-much-candy-as-possible) as a potential health risk.

Sandy Sargent, a mother of a two-year-old, eight-year-old, and ten-year-old, states that “It’s once a year. My children are not fat. And one night of candy isn’t going to make a person fat.”

I concur. One night of excessive overdosing on sweet treats will not sincerely affect a young child’s health. But, what about the fact that parents let their kids go knocking on strangers’ door asking for candy?

While parents realize this potential risk, they also have their feet firmly planted in the reality that on Halloween, most kids go out in groups or with their parents. Sargent also says that “Kids don’t just go down a deserted road with one house on it.”

All in all, I believe that the risks of Halloween are overrated. Kids and adults alike should feel free to just dress up, go get some candy, and have some fun.

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