Don Cherry: sexist, fashionista, hockey ‘analyst’ – Sports Roundtable

Participants: Taylor Sockett, Kyle Leitch, Brady Lang, Autumn McDowell
1. U of R sports are officially over for another year, which coach do you think most deserves the “Coach of the Year” award this year?
Sockett: Todd Johnstone… said no one ever. I don’t know, Bruce McCannel I guess. The track team had a phenomenal finish to the season and some of their success has to be attributed to great coaching.
Leitch: Sarah Hodges of women’s hockey. Although they didn’t win, the women’s hockey team put on an absolute clinic with their incredible quadruple-overtime game. That’s got to count for something.
Lang: Women’s basketball’s Dave Taylor deserves this award due to the fact he kept the ladies searching for that common goal even after all of the adversity they faced. They may have not gotten the results but they have nothing to hang their heads about.
McDowell: I think I’ll go with the track and field coach, Bruce McCannel. I chose him, not only because his team brought home a Canada West banner for us to display in the hallway to prove our awesomeness, but also he is probably one of the best coaches to interview and is always nice, which is much appreciated.
2. University of Regina Rams players Landon Buch, Micheal Dadzie, Jared Janotta, Kyle Paterson, Cayman Shutter and Kolten Solomon will be among 37 participants at the Edmonton Regional CFL Combine next Monday. Which of these Rams do you think has the best shot at playing in the CFL one day?
Sockett: Jared Janotta might have a shot. He’s got good hands, he’s got the size and he’s got the athleticism. However, only time will tell if he is good enough to compete at the next level.
Leitch: Kyle Paterson. We Kyle’s have to stick together.
Lang: Kolten Soloman in my opinion will get a fair shot I believe. I just hope the Riders pick them all so the team isn’t snake bitten again (see, Brett Jones).
McDowell: I would still like to see Kolten Solomon make it to professional football. He has had a couple of chances to crack the Riders roster, but his size has held him back. If it was based on pure athleticism, Solomon would be a shoe in. Buch, Dadzie, and Paterson are all eligible for the CFL Draft this year and will have all the scouts eyes on them, so pressure’s on boys.
3. March Madness is officially underway. Will you be following along with any of the NCAA basketball action?
Sockett: I’ll follow it ever so slightly; honestly, I’m not much of a basketball fan at all. However, I have always found the intensity of March Madness very exciting – much better than the NBA. I’ll watch some games if I have time in between studying and writing.
Leitch: I’m going to be following only marginally, only to see if anybody collects on Warren Buffet’s challenge: $1 billion to anyone who can accurately predict the outcome of every March Madness game, including the finals. That’d be some shit.
Lang: Maybe here and there, we have hockey still, which is about to heat up to a whole new level as the playoff push is on and the MLB is back soon!
McDowell: Not really to be honest. Once I found out that you were only eligible for Warren Buffet’s one billion dollar prize if you were over 21 and an American, I decided not to watch in protest. I wonder if there will be another horrifying vomit-inducing injury this year.
4.Which NHL team do you least want to win the Stanley Cup this year?
Sockett: The Penguins. I’m so sick of hearing sports editor McDeezy gloat about how good the Penguins are every year that it has actually changed my answer to this question, which was formerly the Leafs. I’m with Burke, “They Won The Fucking Lottery”, and I’m sick of hearing about it. Lets hope they get swept once again.
Leitch: Perennially, the Montreal Canadians. Maybe Anaheim, because they stopped calling themselves the “Mighty Ducks.
Lang: My prediction will stand up from the beginning of the season. St. Louis will knock off Boston for the Cup in 2014. Editor’s note: This has nothing to do with the question A.M.
McDowell: I could take a stab at Mr. Sockett and say the Winnipeg Jets, but then I remembered that that is in no danger of happening and would be a wasted answer. With that, I will have to go with the St. Louis, one because they actually have a chance, and two, because I have never liked St. Louis and have never truly forgiven Alex Pietrangelo for jumping into the rush in the 2010 World Juniors and losing us our first gold medal in six years. People don’t forget.
5. What do you think of George “Strombo” Stroumboulopoulos being named as a host for Hockey Night in Canada?
Sockett: I don’t like it, I like George Stroumbo-however you spell the rest of his outlandishly long last name. But I don’t know how it will affect the dynamic of the program. What exactly is his job since the majority of the show is Ron MacLean tossing up a comment and then Don Cherry spilling out hilariously inappropriate responses. I wouldn’t have it any other way “Kids keep your stick on the ice”.
Leitch: I don’t think he’s anywhere near as likable, charming, loud, or fashionable as Don Cherry. Then again, he’s also less likely to say something stupid, chauvinistic, or borderline racist on national TV. So I see where Rogers thinks replacing Don is a good idea, I guess.
Lang: It makes sense and I believe Strombo will do fine. Hey guys, at least it’s not Pierre McGuire.
McDowell: I always liked Stombo, even from his MuchMusic days when he forgot the name of the lead singer of Nickelback and it was terrible awkward to watch – wait, am I making that up? I don’t like that Ron MacLean’s role is being reduced, but I think Strombo will be a nice addition to Don Cherry.
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