Dessart Sweets helps you buy candy and find love
author: quinn bell | a&c writer
The only candy shop I care about. / Jeremy Davis
For all the sweet-tooths out there.
This Valentine’s Day, whether you’re looking to kindle something new, are rocking (or not rocking) the single life, or already have a shared bank account with that special someone, there’s one thing you can rely on to help you out: sugar. If you’re looking for love – or to forget it – and are convinced that spending money (you don’t have) on material things is the best way to go about it, then I highly recommend Dessart Sweets. Purveyors of all things candy, this Regina candy and ice cream shop pumps out powerful relationship therapy in the form of sweet, sweet sugar. Dessart is on 13th Ave. in a super cute, brightly coloured heritage home. You’ll see it.
Looking to impress that hip grocery store clerk you’ve been flirting the flirt with these last two months? Why not get them some Dutch licorice? (If they’re not into the licorice, you’ll know they’re not worth it). You can always pretend you’re actually trying to buy them. Or there’s that sweet-pea on your curling team you’ve been eyeing. You know the one: that hottie has you totally swooning. Just look at how he holds the rock for that in-turn (more like a turn-on, am I right?). Next shot you have, slide him down a pack of cinnamon hearts. It’ll work. You’ll bump aside his guard, he’ll call to take you out, and you’ll be sliding to his house in no time.
Dealing with a messy breakup? Have someone in your life who just won’t get the message that you’re really just friends? This candy store has packs of witty insulting gum and sassy breath mints ready to go. Better yet, you could buy some milk duds – they’re the actual worst. Complete duds. Hand a pack of those babies off to your unwanted crush and they’ll be gone in no time. Or best of all, screw spending money on that jerk! Ask someone else out to the candy store – someone you deserve, someone who treats you right, someone who is REALLY cute. They’ll get the message, you’ll get sweets and eye candy. Win win win.
For those of you who’ve been enjoying life with someone for a long, long time (kudos to you both!), candy from Dessart is also a great option. You know what you partner likes! Or, at least you should. Say your significant person studied abroad for a semester in the U.K., and they just adore a certain chocolate bar. You know where to find it! Show them that you care and that you listen when they talk, even five years later. Let me tell you, the satisfaction of seeing your partner relive some of their fondest memories is the real treat here (just try not to think too hard about how you weren’t there). If that scares you, maybe stick with a shared memory. Did you hit up the Jaw Spa for your second anniversary? Pick up some Moose Jaw fudge! Have a shared interest in Japan or something? They’ve got you covered with matcha Kit-Kat bars, too. You might even come home with a nifty candy sushi kit.
Single folks, don’t think you’ve been abandoned. Candy is a great answer at this time of year for you as well. For one, heading out on a date with yourself can be a really empowering thing to do. Take yourself out for dessert sometime! Satisfy your urges with some sugar or a nice ice cream. You should be willing to love yourself and to buy yourself gifts from time to time. Everyone’s trying to shove it in your face right now that being single is somehow a bad thing. It isn’t. So, shove your own face with delicious sweets and live your life how you want to live it. You’ll be like a kid in (love with) a candy store.
So, if you’re looking to pick up something sweet to eat this Valentine’s Day, and want to try out something just a little bit different, you know my suggestion. Actually, my suggestion is not to succumb to the commercial cash grab that is February 14, but I know that doesn’t work for everyone. And I know it can be fun to participate and show people you care about them! (But like, shouldn’t that be happening all the time anyway? I’m honestly confused). Whatever. Spread the love, enjoy the sugar.