Community-filled roller derby final
The Pile O’ Bones Roller Derby League finishes off their season with a smash!
Sept. 5 was the date of the final bout of the season for the Pile O’ Bones Roller Derby Club: Mad Smax: Beyond Rollerdome! Akin to the past three games attended by the Carillon, we could tell that the crowd was not disappointed. The house champion teams: the Bone City Beaver Dames, the 306th Bombshell Battalion, and the Lockdown Lolita’s, competed head-to-head in a two-bout game, and the three hours flew by almost as quickly as the athletes’ wheels. It seemed all of Regina made it out to the event, which provided a halftime show by the band, Perpetua, who riled energy into an already stoked crowd while the skaters regrouped. Ever humble about their role in the Regina sporting community, the commentator jokingly remarked that they were “moving up in the world” due to their musical guest.
The first bout, played by the Bone City Beaver Dames and the 306th Bombshell Battalion, was a mash-up of plays both detrimental to team scoring, as well as incredibly crowd-pleasing. The Beaver Dames were consistently ahead of the Bombshell Battalion, even if the difference was 79 to 65. There was a challenge with thirty-seconds left in the game by the Bombshells that was denied, but it allowed Bazinga, a jammer for the Beaver Dames, to showcase her talents as a skater and she took control in her last jam to grab the lead for her team. The first game’s final score was 82-63, won by the Bone City Beaver Dames, pitting them against the Lockdown Lolita’s in the championship bout.
The final bout and the main event kicked off around 9 p.m. and the skaters took to the rink with fury. The impressive game took an hour and a half to complete, featuring Bazinga breaking out of the pack several times during her jams, eventually leading to a 33 point lead for the Beaver Dames.
The bout showcased some remarkable athleticism as the teams fought for the Callie Cup. Most notably, the two jammers of the Beaver Dames and Lockdown Lolita’s respectably, number 314, Bazinga, and X13, Michete made some pretty impeccable plays on the rink, from steadily leading power jams, to slicing through the pack, causing each member to fall in their midst. Both jammers demonstrated their agility, especially when Bazinga would tear through the pack with Michete on her tail, still managing to maintain a lead with a slow start. It was thrilling to watch, and these two lead jammers are a testament to the fact that roller derby is not for the faint of heart.
The Bone City Beaver Dames, beating the Lockdown Lolita’s with an impressive lead of 148-117, won the Callie Cup at the end of the night. The Carillon was happy to be able to provide coverage at the tail end of the season, but we will be back next season with more coverage! Don’t worry; we didn’t miss the Aug. 8 bout.
Keep an eye on the Carillon’s multimedia page, it’ll be featuring an interview from players C3PHO, Dolly Hardon, and Bazinga, as well as some photos and footage from the Championship bout. If you didn’t make it out to this season of Roller Derby in Regina, make sure to check out the next season! It’s guaranteed to be a smashing time.