UPDATED: Anti-homosexual “activists” Whatcott and LaBarbera may be coming to the U of R today

They're coming back / freenorthamerica.ca

They’re coming back / freenorthamerica.ca

They were arrested here April 14, 2014.

UPDATED 4:19 p.m. Oct. 30, 2014. Below we’ve kept our original article that we ran earlier in the day. We had good reason (President’s letter and the two men’s website) at the time to believe that Whatcott and LaBarbera would show up on campus. There’s been no sighting of them, and we’ve heard they aren’t coming. They obviously, judging from their website’s posts, have a desire to come back on campus. The Carillon will follow the story closely in case this is true. Read below for our original posting.

We also ran a debate on this incident in our print issue. Check it out here!


“Activists” Bill Whatcott and Peter LaBarbera, who were arrested April 14 at the University of Regina, may be coming to campus today (Oct. 30). They preach a vile homophobic message.

The two sarcastically claim their crime on April 14 was “peacefully protesting abortion and homofascism at the University of Regina” (emphasis added).

This comes from several sources, including an email to the campus community from President Vianne Timmons obtained by the Carillon, and Whatcott and LaBarbera’s own website, where they say they will be at the U of R at 4:00 p.m.  today (Oct. 30, 2014).

Whatcott and LaBarbera were at the Regina Provincial Court today facing their charges.

From their website: “After the trial Peter and I will be heading to the University of Regina to call on the university to repent of the idolatries of atheism, communism, pre-born infant sacrifice, and homofascism. Join Peter and I as we preach truth and common sense to this intolerant ivory tower! Join us at the main entrance University of Regina, at 4:00 PM, October 30.”

It’s your choice if you want to acknowledge these bigots or not. They only seek attention for themselves. Either choose to ignore them or confront them on our campus. Do they deserve attention?

The letter from President Timmons reads that “Mr. Whatcott and Mr. LaBarbera have not been invited to speak at the University of Regina, and their planned October 30 demonstration is not
sanctioned by our institution.  I do not welcome their presence on campus for their stated purpose of denouncing ‘the idolatries of atheism, communism, pre-born infant sacrifice, and homofascism,’ and they will not be permitted to conduct themselves on our campus in a manner that contravenes our Respectful University Policy.”

”We will monitor the situation very closely, and should Mr. Whatcott and Mr. LaBarbera violate that established policy, they will be requested to leave the University premises immediately.”


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