Ban the ban: what this means for the world


author: labiba aboguddah | contributor

Credit: Province of British

“Has Donald Trump’s insanity only affected the people in the United States?”

People all over the world were watching the U.S presidency election closely this time around. The whole world was left in fear over what will happen if Trump becomes president, specifically if the man follows through with the promises he made. People all over the world were displeased with this presidency, and took the streets to protest against him; however, even with thousands of individuals protesting Trump’s racist remarks, nothing seemed to change things on his side.

A week in office and Trump’s biggest concern was to keep the “radical” Islamists out of the United States, as a result of signing the order banning travel from seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia) for 90 days and suspending all refugee admission for 120 days. According to CNN, 12 people were detained at John F. Kennedy International Airport, a Syrian family of six who had their visas were returned to Qatar, 16 detained in Chicago O’Hare airport, and many others left clueless to what will happen next. According to CNN, Friday’s executive order gave the Department of Homeland Security leeway to prioritize refugee claims “on the basis of religious based persecution” as long as the person applying for refugee status is “a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.” This then would mean that it would make it easier for Christians and other religious minority groups to enter the United States of America than it would for Muslims.

With these unjust actions, it has led at least 1000 American citizens to protest in the airports, causing Chicago O’Hare International Airport to delay many flights. With thousands of people left in fear and angry protestors still expressing their anger, Trump seems to find things to be perfect. Telling reporters, “it is working out very nicely, you see it at the airports. You see it all over. It’s working out very nicely and we’re going to have a very, very strict ban, and we’re going to have extreme vetting, which we should have had in this country for many years” (CNN).

Has Donald Trump’s insanity only affected the people in the United States? Not necessarily. This has left many Muslim Canadians clueless whether they would be safe entering the United States or not, until Justin Trudeau’s remarks and assurance.

“I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I stand firmly against the politics of division, the politics of fear, the politics of intolerance or hateful rhetoric,” Trudeau said during a live, year-end town hall hosted by Maclean’s, allowing many Muslim-Canadians to feel safe. “If we allow politicians to succeed by scaring people, we do not end up any safer. Fear does not make us safer. It makes us weaker.”

He has also responded to Trump’s decisions by welcoming all the Syrian Refugees to Canada that are banned from entering the U.S. He also tweeted, “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.”

And, most importantly, he told the public, “NSA Flynn (National Security Advisor) confirmed that holders of Canadian passports, including dual citizens, will not be affected by the ban. We have been assured that Canadian citizens traveling on Canadian passport will be dealt with in the usual process.”

Luckily enough we have a Prime Minister who believes in Justice, but for those who do not, what will happen to them? Will Trump resign? Will we face more unjust ruling?


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