Caffeine makes the world go ‘round
I woke up one morning, groggy and disoriented, with a face that could only be described as “a raccoon in a sleep-deprivation contest.” The first thought that crossed my mind was, “I need coffee.” No, not just any coffee–I needed a magical elixir that I knew could turn me from a walking zombie into a functional human being. So, like a true caffeine aficionado in crisis mode, I stumbled to the kitchen.
As I stood there, contemplating the wonders of brewed beans, I realized my coffee choices had become as eclectic as my university study habits. I recently discovered the joy of chai lattes, a delightful combo of spicy and sweet that made me feel sophisticated until I spilled half of it on my notes while multitasking (and yes, I may have been attempting to draft an essay with the other hand).
Then there was my phase of drinking iced espresso shots because being cool and caffeinated all at the same time is something you learn in hipster coffee shops. It’s amazing how I could slam down an espresso on ice and then dive straight into studying for my midterms, fueled by a combination of espresso and pure panic. Who knew adrenaline and caffeine could be the perfect study blend?
The Great Coffee Debate: Black or Flavored?
In my quest for coffee excellence, I encountered the age-old debate: black coffee versus flavored coffee. I tried black coffee once, sipping it slowly while nodding along with an intellectual friend at the café. But truth be told, I felt like I was drinking adult life in a liquid form. After one sip, I immediately switched to a caramel macchiato because, if there is anything I have learned, it is that life is too short to drink coffee that tastes like regret.
I have also realized that every coffee cup reflects my academic journey, and let’s face it, each sip tells a story. Like the time I confidently entered the library, new Mocha Frappuccino proudly in hand, just to have it splatter all over my notes when I tripped while trying to impress my classmates with my barista-level latte art skills. Spoiler alert: I am not an artist, especially when it comes to foam.
Coffee: The Ultimate Study Buddy
Ah, coffee, the ultimate study buddy that not only fuels my brain but also maintains a semblance of social interaction. Nothing quite says “I’m working hard” like sitting in a café with a laptop, headphones in, and a tower of coffee cups beside me. The barista looks at me with a mix of sympathy and judgment as I casually request my fifth refill of the day. It is a delicate combination of caffeine addiction and academic desperation.
I have discovered that the more elaborate my drink order becomes, the more support I feel in tackling complex equations or absorbing dense lecture notes. “Yes, I’ll have an oat milk, vanilla soy latte with extra foam and a sprinkle of nutmeg, please.” The fancier the order, the more prepared I feel to conquer that insane calculus problem–or at least to scroll through Instagram pretending I am studying.
The life of a university student is often a rollercoaster of late-night cramming, spontaneous group study sessions, and the absolute necessity of finding the right coffee blend to match the intensity of the moment. It is fascinating how coffee culture has evolved around campus. There is an unspoken camaraderie amongst students, forged in the lines of cafes where we bond over mutual exhaustion and caffeine dependency. We can always spot fellow warriors of academia; the ones with the telltale signs; dark circles, disheveled hair, and an aroma of coffee clinging to their clothes; an olfactory badge of honor.
On particularly stressful days, when exams loom like dark clouds, I have found solace in coffee rituals that extend beyond drinking. There is a therapeutic quality to the act of brewing the coffee itself. The grinding of the beans, the aroma wafting through the air, and the aesthetic process of making a perfect cup with latte art can serve as meditative practice, grounding me amidst academic life. A cup becomes a moment of respite, a chance to breathe before diving back into assignments and lectures.
The Post-Coffee Reality Check
After a day of fueling my brain with a buffet of coffee delights, I find myself wrestling with an existential crisis when the caffeine jitters kick in. Suddenly, my heart races faster than a caffeinated squirrel, and I am contemplating everything from my life choices to the profound nature of existence. Are we all just coffee beans in the grand cosmic brew of the universe?
As the caffeine high finally dwindles and the sound of my stomach gurgling reminds me that I’ve been neglecting my other meals, I realize that while coffee has become my source of energy and occasional existential pondering, it’s also a reminder to take life with a pinch of humor. Whether it’s chai lattes, espresso shots, or cold brews, one thing is certain: coffee will always be there: sometimes as a savior, sometimes as a source of chaos, but always a faithful companion in the journey through university life.
Still, while coffee can be a source of inspiration it can also lead to the inevitable crash that follows the high. I have learnt that pacing myself with coffee is essential, akin to the marathon runner that conserves his energy for the next race.
In the end, my love for coffee is not about waking up or getting through classes; it is about creating moments, making memories, and navigating the unpredictable wild west of academic challenges. It is my partner in crime during late-night cramming sessions, my confidant during panic attacks over exams, and often, my most loyal audience when I dramatically lament over the complexities of life, or my latest failed attempt at making homemade sourdough. So, here is to the next cup: the one that is about to be brewed, the one that will carry me through late-night study sessions, and the one that might just help me figure out if I am more of a latte person or an espresso enthusiast. If coffee is a journey, then I am all in–maps and tiny cups in hand.