All that’s great about RPIRG (and how to be a part of it)


author: jessica antonini | contributor

Please note that the writer of this article is a part of the organization they are shilling. We happen to like, RPIRG, but thought you should know 


Hey Student! In the Riddel Centre, there are two libraries and three lounges open to students that you may not have known about. You might even be able to find some snacks up there – and even free tampons and pads too! Down the hallway past URSU and the Carillon, there is a little office on the left and the door is almost always open. If you’re here at the university in the fall, you might even be able to munch on some veggies or fruit straight from the RPIRG Green Patch and even lounge in one of their two hammocks. 

Until I became an RPIRG board member, I had no idea such resources existed for us students, and now I want to make sure other students knowRPIRG supports community ideas and initiatives for social justice. Not only do they support students, but they are student driven, funded, and focusedIf you have an idea, a concern, need a button maker, a portable sound system, conference funding, or even need pizza for an event, RPIRG is the place to goAll of these great and valuable resources are outgrowths of their mission statement: 

The Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG) is a student-run, student-funded non-profit organization dedicated to community-based research, education, action and awareness in the public interest. RPIRG exists to provide its members with the resources to be active citizens on the University of Regina campus and in the broader community.” 

If this sounds good to you (and it is good), then I am happy to let you know that the Regina Public Interest Research Group is also currently seeking four new board members! Are you someone who is invested in justice? We need people like that to join the team. As a returning board member myself, I reflect fondly on my past year with RPIRG – I have had the chance to work with the wonderful Outreach and Event Coordinator, Julian, and the Executive Director, Krystal; attend events like Generating Momentum; and meet new people working with the RPIRG, on the board and out in the community. It is a valuable, productive and meaningful experience.  

RPIRG is not only here to provide resources, events, and funding to students, it is also a great place to come and find out more about social justice issues and current events, and even community care! This February, RPIRG will be sharing different articles, resources, and memes concerning self-care and community care for their #EmergencyFebruaryParty project. As students, this is one of the hardest parts of the year for us; we feel isolated, overwhelmed, and exhausted. RPIRG is here to remind us we aren’t alone in this frigid month. Also, on March 1RPIRG will be holding an “Intro to Campaign and Event Planning” event, where they will be teaching a session on how to run for student government, and ways to organize, promote, and campaign for associations, clubs, and groups. This event will be located in the URSU Boardroom (Riddel Centre Room 221) at 12:30-2 p.mI encourage students at the U of R to come get a taste of what RPIRG is all about (and some free pizza), and follow RPIRG on Facebook to become meaningfully involved in the university community. This is a time of the year where we all need a place to come together. 

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