Frostbite season has officially arrived

A season to remem-burr. Lee Lim

Learn which temperatures to be careful around and how to take advantage of university resources to get properly bundled for the cold

Whether you are a full-time Saskatchewanian and have been living here your entire life or you just recently moved here, the Carillon did some research for this article to assure that it is beneficial for everyone. In the past, maybe in the month of December, did you see this warning on your weather app: “Extreme Cold Weather Warning?” Did it ever make you curious why or what specific temperatures make these warnings become relevant?

Through the CBC, extreme cold weather warnings happen when the temperature – with or without the windchill – reaches -40 C for at least two hours. Typically, when the temperature is that low, you put your body and skin at risk of frostbite. The CBC states that, typically, your body has a chance of freezing when it is exposed to extreme cold for an extended duration of time.

In temperatures between 0 C to -28 C, your body is at low risk of getting frostbite. Once the temperature reaches below -28 C, this is when you start to put your body and health at risk. It appears that in temperatures between -28 C and -39 C, when your skin is exposed to the cold for 10-30 minutes, you can get frostbite. As temperatures get colder, the amount of time required outside before frostbite sets in gets much shorter, meaning that when it is -39 C to -47 C your body is at a high risk of frostbite.

The next warning is that you must be extremely careful because the chance of you getting frostbite can take anywhere between two and five minutes when the temperature is between -47 C and -54 C. If the temperature is below -54 C, it can take two minutes for your skin to get frostbite. Even though these are the records that are stated by CBC, remember that everybody is different and can be affected differently. Make sure to dress warmly for the weather to keep yourself safe.

This brings us to the next topic: where can you, as a student, find some quality clothing when in need? One main place that a great deal of university students may have access to is through the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU). Based on their website, they have options to donate clothing on campus, and the resources that they are given are handed out to students through the pantry. All remaining clothing that is not taken will be given to businesses in need such as Carmichael Outreach.

Not only does URSU take donations of clothing, they also run the “Pantry Program.” This is a program that helps students who are facing food insecurity. The process to gain access to this program seems quite easy and should be easily accessible for most university students as pick-up of the pantry goods happens on campus. If you are interested in gaining access or finding more out about the program, be sure to check out their website.


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