Insight Project 360 educating students on global issues

Bringing the world to students’ front doorstep. Victoria Baht

Bringing unique experiences while students motor between classes 

If you have been walking around on campus these last couple of weeks and travelling between Riddell Centre and the Education Building, you may have seen that the rainbow pit has been occupied.  

Inside the rainbow pit, there has been a room called Insight 360 Project. This is a project that has been taking place on campus between September 13-29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The purpose of this project was to give a unique experience based on education of global development. The study focused on showing four different short films, all looking at different things. As you took some time out of your day to watch these short films, Kimberley Hartwig was ready to answer any questions.  

There were four short films offered that ran from five-ten minutes in length. They were known as Growing a World Wonder, Samuel’s Fairtrade Story, Clouds over Sidra, and Two Drops of Patience.  

The one I watched was known as Two Drops of Patience, and here is the description that was provided to me before walking into the atrium (this can be found on Two drop of Patience is a six-minute film that is described as “Two Drops of Patience revolves around the work of Patience Asiimwe and her accompanying Polio Vaccination Team in a remote village in North Eastern Uganda. Together, the team of doctors, nurses, and trainees work towards the Global Polio Eradication initiative founded by Rotary International over 35 years ago. The viewer gets an inside look at the daily life of one of many dedicated Rotarians across the globe committed to eradicating the threat of polio forever.” 

At first, walking into this atrium with this description I did not know what to expect. I took a seat and started to watch. Right off the bat, no seat “seemed to be the right seat,” because this is a video that plays on the walls around you in a cylindrical room. I had to turn a couple of times to see what was happening, which is what made it all a unique experience.  

As I began to watch, I was introduced to a women known as Patience Asiimwe, and she was on her way to figure some things out. This video takes you through her life experience and the story that she had that was devastating for many people. The main topic of this video was polio. Many people that were involved in this video were affected by polio a great deal. It put their health at risk, and even interrupted some children’s mobility. Even though there is no cure for polio, there are vaccines to help prevent it. Asiimwe worked on providing vaccine after vaccine from child to child to help them be treated for polio. Although the vaccine may not have seemed like enough, many individuals that are involved in this community have little-to-no access to healthcare.

The video ended before I could even process everything, all the information that I had just watched and listened to. Overall, it was a great experience. The voice and the graphics of the 360 video made me feel educated and connected to this issue. It takes you through steps, and the video moving along is almost like you were watching it happen in someone’s life. It really gives you a different experience and connection compared to watching YouTube or a movie. For the content itself based on the video, I learned quite a bit, and it moved at a good speed that kept me interested in what was happening and the story that was being told.  

Shortly after my experience, I spoke with Hartwig.

Can you introduce yourself first? 

I am the education’s program coordinator at the Saskatchewan council for international cooperation. My focus right now is running the Insight project, so this cylinder is touring three provinces right now [Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan]. All with the goal of introducing students and whoever comes sees the cylinder. […] It is meant to more engage people in becoming a global citizen, and becoming aware of these issues through a gender and equity lens.  

Where do the studies and videos come from?  

All the videos are made from non-governmental organizations, […] then this technology comes from Igloo which is a company based out of the UK and it is all funded by the Government of Canada.  

What role does your company play? 

We oversee this whole installation which includes setting it up, taking it down and finding places for it to be housed in the city. Then we also deliver workshops to groups. […] The workshops themselves are designed for Grades 5 through 12, although they can be adapted. These videos are also viewable to the public. Even just by watching the videos, individuals can gain more insight to these issues that are happening around the world and interact with them in a different way. It is a possibility for people to learn about these issues.  

What is the main goal about these workshops and videos? Is it to create awareness, or more?  

The goal is to create awareness. But the main goal is to go beyond awareness, […] the next step is moving from awareness towards action. 

Where can people find more information if they wanted to find more videos or information for a school? 

So, more information about the insight project is at More information about us is at this is where any teachers or group leaders can contact me to book a workshop.  

Visiting the Insight 360 Project was quite interesting. The goal was to create awareness of issues that are going on around the world, and it does exactly that. It is a unique experience that many students and the public should engage with. Hopefully this article has encouraged you to go check it out one day in the future.  

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


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