Sports roundtable – Nov. 4, 2010


Will Calvillo win his third MOP award in a row?

Jonathan Hamelin, Autumn McDowell, Colin Buchinski, John Cameron
This week's roundtable

The University of Regina Rams fell 52-29 to the host University of Saskatchewan Huskies last weekend and will now have to face the University of Calgary Dinos on the road in a Canada West semifinal on Saturday. Can the Rams steal one on the road?

Jonathan Hamelin
: I find the Rams’ situation rather similar to that of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. The Rams now have to go through Calgary if they want to advance in the playoffs, whereas the Riders will have to if they win their home playoff game. Unfortunately, both teams had their chances to secure first place and I’m not sure if either can pull it off away from the friendly confines.

Autumn McDowell: I most certainly hope so, although the Dinos have had the Rams’ number all season. Let’s just hope the third time is the charm for the Rams.

Colin Buchinski: The Rams have lost two very close games to the Dinos this year. Both could have gone either way. In my opinion, it’s anyone’s game on Saturday. The Rams can definitely steal one on the road. Here’s hoping.

John Cameron: It'll be a fight for it if they do. It's a shame they'll be playing in Calgary – I'd definitely make time to go watch that game. It's sure to be some exciting football.
Discuss who you would you rather see the host Saskatchewan Roughriders face in the West semifinal: the British Columbia Lions or the Edmonton Eskimos?

Hamelin: These days, Rider fans shouldn’t really be asked which team they would rather face, but could the Riders actually beat any team? Both B.C. and Edmonton have beaten Saskatchewan recently. In Edmonton’s case, it wasn’t even close. The fact that the Riders can’t seem to beat any team these days isn’t very inspiring.

McDowell: Well, both teams have beaten us and are also playing with second string quarterback. However, I think I hate Wally Buono more than Richie Hall. So, I must ask myself, would I rather crush the coach I hate in playoffs, or have that coach not even make the playoffs? Let’s crush Mr. Buono!

Buchinski: Doesn’t matter to me! Bring them both on! We’ll beat the Eskimos this week and the Lions next week. The Riders will get back on track and bring them both down. Lately, we’ve seen the Riders play several unimportant games that they’ve failed to get up for. The playoffs will be no problem. Darian is clutch when need be.

Cameron: Lions, I think. The Riders have been uninspired the last few games and I honestly think the only way they can actually pull themselves together enough to make it to the Grey Cup this year is for them to get hit with a challenge first off. If they can actually manage to play well against the Lions in the semifinal, they might gather the momentum they need to win it this year.

There is a lot of competition for the CFL’s most outstanding player award this season. If Calvillo is named the MOP it will be his third time in a row. Do you think he will or will another player take the crown?

Hamelin: Will there be some bias towards Calvillo in the voting, probably. However, I think he deserves the crown. I don’t think any quarterback from the West will challenge him. Why? Because Darian Durant and Henry Burris (his two biggest challengers) have thrown at least 20 interceptions and Calvillo has only tossed seven. Cory Boyd should provide the biggest challenge to Calvillo. However, if Joffrey Reynolds rushed for 1,504 yards last season and didn’t win, I don’t see Boyd, who has 1,359 yards, winning.

McDowell: I’m sure he will probably get it, because he has the whole CFL eating out of the palm of his hand. However I wish anyone other than number 13 would get it, as I simply can’t stand the guy. He can sling a ball, but he is one annoying human being.

Buchinski: Calvillo has been fantastic as always. He’s a legend in my mind and one of the best QB’s the CFL has ever seen. However, this is Corey Boyd’s year. He’s running all over everyone and deserves the nod this year.

Cameron: TSN nominated, among others, Damian Durant. Look, Durant's an alright QB and when he and his team are playing well they're phenomenal. But, he's eaten more grass this season than my cats have and a lot of the time he just kind of throws the ball wherever. Terrence Edwards, Anthony Calvillo or – God help me – Smilin' Hank Burris deserve this award. Durant hasn't earned it this year.
What has stood out to you the most early in the new NBA season?

Hamelin: A quick glance at the standings shows that Atlanta Hawks were leading the East Conference. I certainly didn’t see that coming. Obviously, the big surprise was the surprisingly bad performance by the Miami Heat on opening night with their stacked lineup. It’s just one game, but it shows that other teams have the depth to challenge the Heat.

McDowell:  Possibly that the Heat dropped their season opener, even with their powerhouse roster. Even though they won their next game, they still got off to a bad start. Some would say that in a season with over 80 games the first one has no impact, but people don’t forget.

: The NBA? Who honestly cares? Bring on CFL playoffs and NHL action.

Cameron: The Heat are, at press time, 3-1. They are going to lose in the first round of the playoffs and people will react the exact same way they did when the Rangers kicked the Yankees' ass in the playoffs. I'm talking jubilant Twitter hashtags, parades, maybe the mayor naming a day after the team that trounces them. They're playing great ball and they're going to be absolutely vilified for it.
The San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers in the World Series. Did you tune in to the series?

Hamelin: If I had six hours to waste, I would definitely tune in. Who I am kidding, no I wouldn’t. Baseball is simply too long and sometimes too agonizingly boring to watch. A 3-0, strong defensive game simply isn’t doing it for me.

McDowell: No. Next question.

Buchinski: I’ve tuned into the World Series a little bit. I think baseball needs a lot of changes. Start by adding one more round to the playoffs, which would then include 16 teams. It would bring baseball excitement to a lot more fans. With the current setup, we’ll never see the Jays go anywhere. The same goes for a lot of teams.

: Yeah, I'm watching it right now. Tim Lincecum looks like a child who is always just on the verge of like a massive rush of tears, but he somehow overcame that to totally outpitch the Rangers. But, I understand some of you might be watching the NFL instead, and that's OK. Difference is the cornerstone of our society.

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