We love op-eds


author: ethan butterfield | staff writer

Credit: Jaecy Bells

Therefore, if you shut yourself out from the world with your own “correct” view on things, then there’s no one to blame but yourself when those with a broader perspective call you out.

Many, especially as of late, consider a differentiation of opinion to be something of a sensitive subject. People don’t want to hear what others have to say, and instead prefer to live a life sheltered off from arguments and debates. The painful truth of the matter is, however, that those arguments and debates are what help lead to conclusions based on the information brought up. This, regarding journalism, is so incredibly important in regard to sections like that of op-ed.

The interesting thing is that op-ed is, if anything, a commentary for the community. It’s there to help express the feelings of those who choose to write for it. I mean, take it from a guy who wrote about how drunken people are annoying at concerts, or how ellipsis was improperly used in film reviews. If it weren’t for op-ed, there’s a good chance that these creatively, silly pieces wouldn’t have seen the light of day.

Moving away from silly examples though, op-ed is also crucial for exploring sensitive manners. There are numerous examples of this sort of thing (for reference, check out a couple. You can view some of Annie Trussler’s amazing work online [editor’s note: aw, stop!]) and what makes these examples possible is giving people the chance to talk about them. Therefore, if you shut yourself out from the world with your own “correct” view on things, then there’s no one to blame but yourself when those with a broader perspective call you out.

Of course, I say that in what sounds like a harsh tone, but I very much mean it as constructive criticism. Long story short, take the time to check out some articles/op-eds that go against what your usual thought process is for a certain topic and maybe, just maybe, you’ll gain a new insight on something that you might have been convincing was a certain way. Then again, I’m probably just blowing hot air at this point, but hey, it never hurts to try expanding your horizons.

Back to my original statement, though: the main point of this section is for the community to express their opinions and interests. So, if there’s an opinion expressed that you may not agree with, then just remember that there are going to be those out there with a different viewpoint on a certain subject based on their own experiences. Then, as you’re reminiscing on that, take into consideration that maybe they think that way for a reason and that they choose to express themselves through this medium for a reason.

As it took me a long time to figure out, not everything is as black and white as it seems. You have to dig deep to find the true meaning behind the perspectives of a human being and what they’ve been through, to (if I may be so bold) know who they are inside and out. This is why, regardless of whether it’s silly or serious, op-ed is so damn important. Hope you enjoyed the read.

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