Upsetting Mandela effects you’re falling for

This is really good quality for being taken in the 1980’s South Africa The Good News via Wiki Media

Somehow, we all share these key memories about famous moments that are unbearably wrong

Think about some of the most iconic movie scenes, famous people, or the board games that you loved to play growing up as a child. You probably have a very specific idea that comes into your mind. What if I tell you that what you believe to be a fact about these well-known moments in time may very well be false?

At first you might be thinking how entire groups of people could be getting these details wrong. What could possibly occur that causes everyone to misremember what are supposed to be iconic moments in our lives? This phenomenon is known as the Mandela effect, which describes the distorted memories that we have and the belief that these are accurate recollections of the way that things took place. There are a few suspected reasons as to why this might happen, but nothing has been determined as a root cause. Instead of worrying about why it happens, I am going to share some of the more common Mandela effects and how crazy I think they are.

Naturally, we must start with the person this effect received its name from – Nelson Mandela. Stop and think for a moment, when do you think this legend died? There is a common belief that he died during the 1980’s in prison. Would you believe me if I told you that this was not the case? Mandela died in 2013 – only nine years ago we lost him, not over 30 years ago like we commonly believe. It makes sense that this is where the term for this phenomenon would come from, as this is such an important and shocking piece of history that so many of us misremember.

Now that you understand what I will be getting at with this effect, it is time to think about the board game that ruins friendships and destroys families. Yes, we are talking about the one and only Monopoly. This is not about a particular as I am sure that the rulebook is one that many of us have read while in the heat of an argument. We are talking about the adorable and iconic Monopoly man. This little businessman has been plastered on so many different things and has helped to promote so many variations of this game it is wild to think about. However, when you think about what he looks like, it is most likely wrong. You are most likely thinking of this little man with a top hat, big white moustache, and a monocle. So close, but so far. This well-known little character has never worn a monocle. Although there is a lot of spinoff art that includes the accessory, it does not exist in the actual brand’s version.

On a more jarring note, lets head over to the land of famous scenes in cinema. To start off slow, let’s take a look at the Disney classic Snow White. For those who are familiar with this classic, you should be familiar with the wicked witch’s magic mirror. Many of us are convinced that when she is looking into the mirror asking it her questions that she says “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” Surprise, surprise, this is not the phrase that is uttered. What she is actually saying is “Magic mirror on the wall…” It just does not have the same ring to it if you ask me.

Another similar line mix-up that is embedded in our memories is from the creepy tale of our favourite killer, Hannibal Lecter, in Silence of the Lambs, when the main character Agent Sterling enters the prison to meet Lecter for the first time. If you have seen this film, you may recall this creepy killer as greeting the agent in a personal way, “Hello, Clarice,” adding to the eeriness of his persona as he would not have been given her first name. Although this seems to fit so well with the character and the energy that is given off, the greeting that is actually uttered is not nearly as concerning, rather it is just a simple “good morning” that is said. Although I don’t think we need to make Lecter any creepier, I am disappointed that the greeting is so mundane.

So far cinema hasn’t been too alarming, right? Hold that thought while we head over to the classic Risky Business. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, I would almost be confident enough to place money on the fact that you would recognize this scene – Tom Cruise dancing around a house dressed in a white long-sleeved button up, underwear, socks, and black sunglasses. This is a classic costume around Halloween and a hilarious scene for others to reference. If you pay attention during this scene however, he isn’t wearing the famous sunglasses that we equate with this moment in movie history. They appear throughout the film in several other scenes, but they don’t exist in this scene. You may want to reconsider your Halloween costume if this is on your bucket list.

Last up, and the most upsetting in my opinion, is what can be argued as one of the most famous lines in movie history. From the loveable Star Wars franchise, we are all familiar with the line “Luke, I am you father.” It’s quoted all the time but is not what the actual line is in the movie. As much as we like the touching sentiment of Darth Vader using his son’s name, he doesn’t give us as sweet of a moment. Simply he just states, “No, I am your father.” Very matter of fact and to the point, which we should expect from such a character. This is a bit disappointing and the one that I find the most jarring as it’s one of the most quoted moments from this series.

As you can see, although the Mandela effect can be found in a lot of media references, it is not limited to only influencing our beliefs through media consumption. Regardless of if it’s impacting our recall of a movie scene or the death of a famous leader, it is not any less jarring. It’s truly amazing how so many of us can share core yet incorrect beliefs on so many things.


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