Tag: performance
Getting Out of Dodge: Dodger Plans Move to New Location
“We’d like to keep on keeping on so any help or encouragement you can give would be very welcome.” – Kelly CairnsDefining the present
“Challenge yourself to take note of how often you find yourself thinking about…what you’re going to say in response rather than what ...She&Her: exploring how we connect
“It’s supposed to be a unique experience for everyone and it’ll definitely be a new experience for Regina,” –Christina PerssonSpring’s Awakening: A sum of all its parts
“If everybody loves the show, they congratulate all the actors, and all the designers on it, and if they hate it, they ...Music degrees = worthless?
“I honestly don't know that much about other jobs, but I believe currently in Saskatchewan there is a need for music teachers, ...Profile: The Artesian
“The part I really love about this is that creation of community and bringing people together for things that matter.” – Chad ...Gone too soon
“In her music, she was remarkably and unusually candid, working solely on what she wanted and felt was important.” – laura billett