Student resource: URFit

A blue background with a smiling cartoon animal skipping rope.
This could be you! kirillslov via Pixabay

Physical and mental wellness support for students

Like it or not, all students at the University of Regina (U of R) must pay a “Student Services, Health, and Wellness Fee.” This includes a fitness membership, some student services, extracurricular activities, and resources.  

This fee works a bit differently from other fees, such as the optional U-Pass and Health and Dental Fees. Still, it has its benefits, offering remote and in-person resources to students. For those who are living in remote communities without a fitness centre or who do not otherwise go to campus very often, the remote offering can be extra helpful.  

The URFit on Demand program offers classes that can be taken in-person such as spin, yoga, zumba and more. But for those off-campus, they have a huge library of videos that you can choose from. It may take some practice to work through but there are some great options. More information can be found at 

 Another valuable tool available to students is the U of R Mental Wellness Hub. University students may be guilty of pushing mental wellness to the side occasionally and it is good to recognize that your mental wellness is important. 

The hub website at explains how mental wellness can involve your mental, emotional, social, and psychological feelings. Taking a moment to think about your wellbeing, some of these key feelings may pop into your mind. You may be confused about what you just learned in class which is part of your mental feelings, or you may be emotionally tired and stressed. Your social life might leave you feeling lonely.  

Bringing these sorts of feelings to the forefront can help you assess how you’re feeling overall, something that can be hard for anyone, but especially university students who can be under immense amounts of pressure and stress. The Mental Wellness Hub is here to help students evaluate these feelings while providing strategies to combat some of these negative feelings. 

The last thing to mention here is the Fitness Centre and Aquatics Centre on the main campus in the Centre for Kinesiology, Health & Sport. The Fitness Centre provides students with access to a track, many different types of exercise machines, a core strength and stretching area, as well as other exercise equipment. As for the Aquatics Centre area, students can access a 25-metre swimming pool, a diving area, and different types of lessons and aquatic activities.  

This is just some of the information about URFit that is available to you. Take the opportunity to use these resources that are available to you, especially since you’re already paying for them.   


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