Sports Roundtable

Can ya smell what the Carillon‘s cooking?
By John Loeppky, Tyler Meadows, Brian Palaschuk, Elisabeth Sahlmueller
Question 1: If you could add a sport to the University of Regina that we don’t already have what would that be and why?
Brian: I think a great addition to varsity sports at U of R would be men’s soccer. We already have a women’s team that is super fun to watch and I think that adding a men’s team would be great for growing the sport in Saskatchewan.
Elisabeth: Tchoukball, which is a cross between handball, volleyball and spike ball. I was first introduced to this sport in grade eight phys. ed. class and I also played it a bit in high school as well. Although it has been awhile since I last played it, I remember it being quite intense and a lot of fun, as long as everyone gets involved and tries. I would love to play it again, either on a competitive, or recreational level and think it would be awesome if the U of R got a mixed, co-ed Tchoukball team.
John: Can we make piñata hitting a sport or is that horrifying appropriation? We could make models of each of the major administrative staff who keep increasing salaries, fill them with tuition money that hasn’t been wasted yet, and invite teams from across campus to grab cash as fast as they can. I know URFA would be all in on this deal. On second thought, not great optics to be smashing Dr. Chase over the head and screaming for joy as he explodes like an over-boiled perogie. Can we just bring wrestling back?
Tyler: I would love to add wrestling back honestly. I know a few guys who were in wrestling and knowing how much the sport meant to them is enlightening. Wrestling is one of those classic sports that has essentially been around forever in some form or another. Humans and various hominids have been fighting with each other for millions of years, even if some of those had fewer rules and advanced technique that wrestling is today, I have an appreciation for (likely a sick appreciation) more historical sports.
Question 2: If you were to do research in sport what would be the question you would want to answer?
Brian: If I was to do research in sport, I would love to look into the correlations between training different systems and perceived exertion. For example, how different athletes produce different levels of lactate and their perceived exertion at different levels. I have always been fascinated with pain and would love to see how we deal with it differently.
Elisabeth: As someone with a BA history degree, if I could research a sports-related topic, I think I would want to do research on the origin of one specific sport which I enjoy, like maybe soccer. I would research its origin, how it evolved, and how the sport differs in various countries and within different cultural contexts.
John: Can we do a health-based approach research project into what possible benefit there is for the KHS Dean to have the office that used to hold a qualified medical practitioner? I’m so sorry that the sports ball academics had to be so cramped, but I don’t think getting rid of the office that prevents death and suffering just so associate deans have less cramps is an efficient use of space.
Tyler: Even though I already do research within sports, one of the questions that I would love to ask is about diversity in sport and how younger male athletes specifically would handle having someone who was a part of the LGBTQ+ community on their team? I suppose I have this idea in my head that younger people are more socially liberal and in 2019 there would be a greater acceptance of it. However, I also acknowledge the male sport culture is less tolerant on average so that would be super interesting to research.
Question 3: Does the university do enough to get students more engaged with the sports on campus?
Brian: I think the university does a fairly good job between intramurals, club sports and athletics, but I think that they can do a better job to promote all three sides of varsity sports. Speaking as a member of athletics, our sports programs aren’t promoted that much around campus outside of the paper, so I think we need to do a better job of making sure people know when big games are going on, like the women’s hockey home opener this week.
Elisabeth: Honestly, no I don’t think so. I feel that the university doesn’t promote the games or tournaments of its sports team very well at all. We don’t have pep rallies, like other larger schools do and unless you are a member of a team, or know someone who is, you likely don’t hear about these sporting events unless you read the sports section of the Carillon, or look up the information and results yourself online. Additionally, I think that the importance of students’ physical health, overall is not promoted. Although students pay a mandatory fee that allows them unlimited access to the track and pool facilities and gym 1 and 2 offer free gym time, none of this is greatly emphasized to students.
John: This is like asking whether Maxime Bernier does enough to promote multiculturalism. The Cougars and Rams have a public relations problem called a history of mild mediocrity. They have some good years, they have some bad years, but they rarely have them in succession. Speaking as the former sports editor, most of the teams aren’t even good at being bad. Well, except for the men’s volleyball team, they sucked right out of existence and none of them are around to send me angry letters about it anymore.
Tyler: Short answer is no. This university has a massive student engagement problem. No one cares, there is no school spirit and no matter how much the university plays lip service to supposed spirit, they have to know that this is likely the least engaged school in all of Canada. I’m sure other schools struggle with engagement as well but this school makes it so easy to not participate in anything; or even watch for that matter.
Question 4: If you could change the name of the Cougars/Rams what would you change it to and why?
Brian: That’s a tough one, I like the names of the Cougar/Rams. I like the Rams because of the alliteration, and Cougars are a good choice as well because they are native to Saskatchewan and are pretty much our coolest animal. If I had to change it, I would probably go with the Regina Coyotes or something else from the province.
Elisabeth: This is a good, but tough question. Although I am not a fan of either name, I have no idea what a better name would be. I’ would have to give this a bit more thought.
John: The Rams would have to change to the lambs, not because I’m Welsh, but because (given their lacking results lately) we need a similar but less fearsome animal to represent the squad. Second place would go to the ineligibles, but I fear our athletic director might strike me down from her office for even mentioning the U of R’s paperwork woes. As for the Cougars, I’m never a huge fan of a league having two teams with the same name, but we tend to beat Mount Royal, so fuck them, we should keep it and change them to the Urbanites.
Tyler: I’d probably change it to Roughriders, that might make people come and watch the sports, you could probably monetize it more. Sell merchandise in conjunction with the Riders etc. It makes so much sense. For some reason people care about that CFL team now, unlike 30 years ago when they had to beg people to take free tickets. Rebranding to the most popular CFL team in Canada would be a good strategy. Not to mention the beloved Gainer the Gopher would be able to be the mascot and continue his shenanigans.
Question 5: What is your favourite sport to watch and why?
Brian: My favorite sport to watch is swimming, because I am a competitor in it. There is actually a new professional swimming league called the ISL which I recommend everyone check out. Outside of my sport, I enjoy watching track and field, but the NHL is my favorite major league. Go Oilers.
Elisabeth: Although I would consider myself an athletic individual, I normally don’t watch a lot of sports. However, I do enjoy watching the Olympics, Soccer World Cup matches and figure skating. The last of which I would say is my favourite to watch. In my opinion, pairs figure skating is exciting to watch because of all of the jumps, lifts, and other crazy manoeuvres that these routines involve. I will admit that I can’t help but get wrapped up in the pair’s routine, especially if it’s good music and the individuals are highly skilled and have been together a long time, because then it is clear that they trust each other, demonstrated by their routine which will usually contain more manoeuvres and is always amazing to watch.
John: Wheelchair basketball because I like to feel smug about my knowledge of things. For those sports that aren’t niche as all get up, probably stand up basketball. It’s nice to watch people jump and never have to do it yourself.
Tyler: My favourite sport to watch is basketball. I have been playing for probably 20 years, I don’t like to watch as much anymore, especially the NBA. I do enjoy watching the U of R women’s team quite a bit because they have had such a good team for a while now. They usually have at least one excellent player but also have a well-rounded team. They typically compete hard on defense and I always have a defense-first type of mentality, so they are fun to watch.
Question 6: Who is your sports role model and why?
Brian: My sports role model is Japanese Olympian Kosuke Hagino. I have looked up to him since I was 14 at the 2012 Olympics when he won bronze in the 400 in meter individual medley. He proves that you don’t have to be 6 foot 5 to win Olympic gold, which is inspiring for a smaller swimmer like me. I also had the amazing opportunity to train with him in Tokyo and he is humble and professional, while being an absolute freak in the water.
Elisabeth: I have two. First Terry Fox because what he did has created a long-lasting legacy and is truly inspiring. When I think of his commitment, dedications, stubbornness, and perseverance, I am always encouraged to never give up on myself; no matter how difficult life gets. Secondly, Christine Sinclair, the captain of the Canadian women’s soccer team. Not only is she an amazing and skilled athlete, leading her team to numerous victories, but she also comes across as modest and always remains positive, no matter the challenges or defeats the team experiences. Additionally, seeing her carry the Canadian flag in the closing ceremonies of the 2012 London Olympics was pretty sweet!
John: Brian Palaschuk because when I swim I look like a beached dolphin. A swimming coach once told me that I’d be a better swimmer if my legs didn’t exist. It would actually be more beneficial for my swimming career to be more disabled. Okay, a non smart-ass answer, I’ll go with one of my former teammates, Nikola Goncin. He’s three of my favourite things: loud, talented, and loves to yell at you in another language. All those Serbian insults I endured over the years were both well deserved and worth it.
Tyler: Well I have two role models honestly. Number one is Kobe Bryant; he has been my favourite player since I was playing NBA ‘99 on the computer. He was never the most talented player, but he worked harder than anyone and on top of that he had the killer instinct mentality or “Mamba Mentality” that I love so much, win at all costs. Number 2 would be Muhammad Ali, for obvious reasons, he was a pioneer and the first athlete to use their platform for a message, a very strong and controversial political message. He made a huge sacrifice and gave future athletes a voice.