Snowy days and hot drinks

How do you make the most of a day when there is 10 inches of snow right past your door?
This past weekend, we got a great deal of snow. It appears to have reached around 10 inches of snowfall within 24 hours, mostly overnight. After a good night’s sleep, and with the wind blowing around the snowflakes, you wake up to 10 inches of snow. Here is the question on my mind: do I dare to go out in these conditions, or do I stay indoors? Today, we are going to talk about the options that you have and what my go-tos are to encourage you, or for you to question whether you made the right choice.
If you are someone that chooses to leave the house with all the snow, or has to go to work regardless of the weather, here is some advice that I have for you. First, get some winter tires and put them on your car if you have not done so already. For someone that has owned a variety of small cars with my driving experience, honestly, winter tires make a great deal of difference.
Second, take your time driving to places. When the snow comes down this heavy, I would recommend giving yourself at least an additional 10-15 minutes, as you may have trouble getting through the snow, have traffic moving slowly, or even get stuck in the snow. That is another thing; if you see someone stuck in the snow, and if you have the time or it is safe to help them, help out that person. You never know when you will be stuck and in need of a helping hand.
My third tip when driving in these conditions is to take your time both when driving and stopping. However, this does not mean driving too slowly, as that can also cause a traffic incident. Make sure that you feel comfortable driving to your destination in this weather, and if you do not feel comfortable maybe try public transportation or just stay home for the day.
That brings us to our next topic. If you are someone that decides to stay home during this weather, what are your go-tos? A few of my personal favourites are staying nice and warm, whether that means you are all cozied up in sweats and having a Netflix day or keeping your body nice and warm by going and shovelling the snow every three hours. Either is a good choice, and the best part is that you can do both when staying at home.
Once you have watched a few episodes on Netflix or shovelled a couple of times, why not enjoy a nice hot drink? With the colder weather, a few of my go-tos to enjoy on these snowy days are apple cider, hot chocolate, a vanilla latte, or even just a simple cup of peppermint tea. As long as you are inside, staying nice and cozy while the snow keeps blowing around.
Winter has just begun this year, which means there will be lots of snow coming down and lots of days where we may spend the entire day inside, or have to spend the day outside. I hope this article gave you some advice or reflected on what your weekend may have looked like.
As the snow keeps coming down you may be faced with these options a few times. What will be your choice next time? Tell us about it! The Carillon would love to hear all about your most (or least) favourite winter hobbies for these long dreadful months.