author: konstantin kharitonov | sports editor

It’s everybody’s favourite shape of table!/Jaecy Bells
The final discussion of the year
With the year ending soon and this being our final issue of the year, we sat down together to discuss the best and the worst of sports this year, and what we are excited for in 2018.
- With the year coming to a close, what was your favourite sports moment or story?
Ethan Butterfield: While it’s not technically a sports moment or story yet, the possibility of The Cleveland Browns going 0-16 has got me very excited. After 11 games, this team just can’t seem to find a way to win. But hey, look at the bright side; at least the Detroit Lions are doing bet… oh, never mind.
Ethan Williams: The Regina Pats playoffs in general were definitely up there for me. With names like Brooks and Steele and Brown almost unstoppable in those games, it was truly an unforgettable series. Now with the 100th anniversary and the Memorial Cup series being played here, let’s hope they can go all the way this time.
Nathan McCarville: The most exciting sport event of the year, I would have to say was the Rams’ game against the Manitoba Bisons on September 23. The game never slowed down, and it was always so close, that the investment of the fans in the game seemed to be at the peak of the season.
Mason Silva: Seeing my favourite team, Ottawa Senators, lose in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Finals of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I hate myself so much and I take great pleasure out of seeing the things I love fail.
Konstantin Kharitonov: The day Jaromir Jagr signed with the Flames. Haven’t ever been this excited for the team.
- What do you think was the most controversial sports story of the year?
EB: Colin Kaepernick not finding his way onto an NFL team. That, at least for me, is just mind-boggling. The guy is talented and the NFL sure could use a bit of talent this year. Not that I’m saying it’s been overall lackluster, but with four or five teams needing a halfway decent starting QB only to roll with a backup instead. It’s borderline ridiculous.
EW: Kneeling in NFL during the national anthem was certainly controversial. I think it opened up a divide we never knew existed, or thought could exist.
NM: Definitely When Kaepernick decided to take a knee during the National anthem. He had something that needed to be addressed, and doing what he did was his way of speaking out against injustices he saw in the world. The media and PR firestorm that occurred afterward only amplified the controversy.
KK: Trump being his usual self, absolutely making an ass of himself, and the NFL owners responding in the worst possible way.
- What are you looking forward to most in the upcoming year?
EB: Rum and eggnog mostly.
EW: I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen in the CFL season and in the off-season too. What will they be doing about dwindling attendance in the east? Will the Maritimes get a team? Will Duron Carter stick around here? Will Randy Ambrosie continue to make controversial claims about concussions? Who knows? It will be exciting to see.
NM: All of the exciting events that the Cougars are set to take part in, especially the upcoming games for the men’s and women’s basketball team after the break.
MS: I can’t wait for the NHL to constantly tease further expansion in cities such as Houston, Seattle, and Quebec City. Of course, instead of following through on these rumours, the NHL will just continue protecting Arizona because how fucking dare the least profitable team in the league be under any sort of scrutiny for their weak performance.
- Who was the most important figure in sports this year, in your opinion?
EB: The head coach of The Browns, Hue Jackson. I can’t think of someone more legendarily terrible.
EW: Although he had retired, Roy Halladay’s death really emphasized how great he was. His perfect game in 2010 showed he truly was born to play the game. He will be greatly missed for sure.
NM: I would have to give that title to Connor McGregor. It’s been a really long time since an athlete has been able to cultivate the amount of flak, popularity, and raw entertainment that McGregor has. His match against Mayweather this year produced so much excitement and had such an unpredictable outcome, that I don’t think we will see something like that again for a long time.
KK: Rodger Goodell. With everything going on in the NFL, the commissioner has been at the very centre of it all. All worth that 50 million dollar pay demand.
- What are some of your wishes/requests that you would love to see happen in sports in 2018?
EB: The Raiders winning the Super Bowl so they don’t have to move to Las Vegas. That being said, they’ll probably still move regardless of any wishes or requests because they are The Raiders. Go Oakland.
EW: Going back to one of my last points, I’d like to see a CFL team in the works for the Maritimes. I know it wouldn’t be implemented for another few years, but I think there’s a lot of excitement there, which is something rare for an eastern team. The east needs more excitement!
NM: In 2018, I would love to see the Roughriders make their way to the Grey Cup once again. But it might be a bit too early to be wishing for something like that.
MS: More nudity and more danger. Take note, sports executives.