author: konstantin kharitonov | sports editor

Its trime for the (semi) regular sporps roundtable!
Guess what everyone, its time for the roundtable! It is the kind of regular feature where we at the Carillon sit down and discuss everything happening in the sports world with the finest and greatest minds that I could find at 10 p.m. on a Monday. Lets get down to the questions and answers!
Question 1: What are your thoughts on the ALCS and NLCS matchups so far? Who do you have going to the World Series?
Michelle Jones: The what? As for who is going to the World Series, ummm…the ALCS?
Jaecy Bells: I think that as long as you don’t tear your ALCS, you have a great chance of going the World Series. That tendon is a bitch to heal.
Annie Trussler: I… am not gonna take anyone to the world series. I have no intention of going. I can barely afford food; I’m not going to the World Series.
Kristian Ferguson: I personally, hope that SKT can make it this year. They have always been my team and I really think that they make really strong bans. That being said, I also have strong hopes for Fnatic. Wait a minute. You don’t mean like, actual sports, right? Not esports? Oh. Uhh. I stand by my statements.
Stan Cariton: Yeah, not I think the Bruins are gonna win. Go Sox, Boston All the Way!!! Wait, what do you mean they lost? THE ASTROS??? WHAT???
2.Have you ever wanted to kneel during an anthem?
MJ: I’m pretty sure I knelt during the American anthem when I was in Plentywood, Montana for the Super Bowl. But that’s only because they had $2 drinks and I was in no condition to be standing by the time the game started. I fell out of a truck that night. It was stopped, though, at least.
JB: Only when my shoes are untied and need to be fixed. Or when my country is going to shit.
AT: Constantly. That shit should have ended in the third grade.
KF: Always. It is hard to justify standing with pride for a country that is built on the backs of Indigenous people.
SC: At this point, why do we even have the anthem playing in the first place? If you want politics out of sports, then no more anthem, no more military appreciation, and no more public funding.
3.What are your opinions to the increased penalties being called in the NHL this season?
MJ: I suppose it depends on if the penalties are being called on the team you’re cheering for. I think.
JB: I think increased penalties are stupid. Hockey games are long enough without having to cease and desist while a grown-ass man goes for a sports time-out.
AT: I say good. Those boys are all too violent. I don’t know why some people want to die by 30.
KF: Hype. I mean, if that means that also comes with more fights? I only ever went to hockey games for the fights. Sorry.
SC: Its good. Now people won’t speed in school zones.
4.Who do you want to see win the Grey Cup this year?
MJ: The team with the nicest colours or the coolest logo. Neither of which includes the Riders. Besides, they can’t count, so they can’t even win the Grey Cup when they win the Grey Cup.
JB: I don’t care who wins the Grey Cup, as long as the game is held in another city. Roughrider traffic is a pain in the ass and I don’t wear green.
AT: Us? I guess? It makes old people less angry.
KF: I want the Riders to win (lol) so that there can be another Green Mile and I can get drunk and stagger around the city.
SC: Wait; there is football in up here? I honestly couldn’t tell. Oh well, I hope that team that has the best fans win. I think they play in Toronto.
5.How would you fund an arena in Calgary?
MJ: Go Fund Me? If those morons in Moose Jaw can beg for money for their wedding because dude doesn’t have a job, why can’t an arena do the same thing?
JB: I would just take away basic health care in order to finance what is important to the people. After all, a new arena benefits every single person in the city.
AT: I wouldn’t because capitalism is empty and violent and sports aren’t worth funding over human beings.
KF: Directly out of the pockets of the owners. Literally zero public investment. No more handouts for millionaires.
SC: Not a single dime comes out of the public’s pocket. The city pays enough taxes, so now they have to fork over more? I don’t care if they move Shawn, I’d rather not be broke for a team I can’t afford to go watch.