fashion + editorial pitches
shae sackman – production manager
Hello and welcome to a bit of an oddity! My name is Shae, and I’ll be your fashion section editor for Issue 24 here at The Carillon. I’m looking for bright colours, I’m looking for hot takes, I’m looking for the way you want to dress but you don’t because you think people might think you’re a little bit to … ~ extra ~
Please let me know the topic you’d like to write on or the fashion project you’d like to dream up, and I’ll make your stuff * shine *! If writing, drop me a line about how long your article will be (half page articles are 550-750 words while full page articles are 950-1,150), and whether or not you would like to provide an image or have our graphic editor design one for your article.
Our editorial staff is always happy to support contributors in their work, so if you’d like other supports, tips, or advice, please note that in your email as well and we’ll do all we can!
Strictly thrifty
Is it really ample supply with increasing demand?
The thrift store boom of late has not come without critiques, and we’d love to read your thoughts on the impact of this phenomenon. Has an increase in thrift stores made fashion more accessible, or is capitalist greed diminishing the impact of this resource? How do you feel the quality of clothing in thrift shops has shifted through the years depending on the shops you frequent? Is there a more representative size range in thrift shops, or are certain sizes difficult to find or unreasonably priced? You could also interview owners of local thrift shops to learn about where they access stock, how they scale item pricing in store compared to retail values, and on the intentions behind the business model they’ve chosen to work with.
Readjustment period
You can do it if you want it enough!

editing your friends for fun and profit
We want the U of R’s best stylists to show off their vision where it matters most — in our campus hallways! Find some friends or approach some people whose look makes you want to BE friends, and offer a piece of style or fashion advice so you can take before and after photos in the halls. Help people look their best, and make sure you ask for permission for before and after shots!
Cabaret – A dive into costume design
who are you wearing, darling?
The University of Regina’s Theatre Department recently put on Cabaret, an interactive show featuring the work of many students from the Faculty of Media, Arts, and Performance. Contact the department to learn who all contributed to costume design this year, then interview a few to learn about the process and how future students can get engaged. How is costume design unique from other areas of fashion, what all do designers have to consider in this creative work, and what sources have they used for inspiration?
YQR look book – summer 2023
Regina: hotbed of TRENDS
The Carillon’s fashion section is looking for a photography or illustration project outlining your forecast for summer style in Regina. Which trends do you see developing? What unique trends would you love to encounter, and how does Regina show up in them? Contact the fashion editor to talk shop if this sounds like an ideal project for you.
Fast fashion fiasco
Is saving some change worth the full cost?
While the fast fashion jump has made shopping for most styles and sizes moderately available and affordable, the sheer amount of waste has been reported on frequently, along with potentially fatal working conditions for those in some factories. Some groups like Fashion Revolution Canada are working to promote sustainable, eco-friendly fashion practices nation-wide, there’s much work to be done. Do you think fast fashion is damaging, or are the impacts overplayed? If you’ve crafted some of your own wardrobe, why was this your choice over purchasing what you were looking for? Do you think fast fashion would be any sort of concern if capitalism’s ideals were nowhere to be found, or are some capitalist ideals necessary for fashion as we know it to exist?