Newsbreak – Dec. 2, 2010


Despite usually being synonymous with horrible retail store tramplings, Black Friday looks this year to be a sign of hope – at least on the economic front. After the recession contributed to a few years of bleak sales, America’s biggest shopping day showed a bit of a bounce back. The day saw over $45 billion spent in retail. Reports say it sucked to be in customer service that day.





Good night, sweet prince. Famously obese feline Prince Chunk died Sunday of heart problems. Prince Chunk became famous after his humane society claimed he was 44 pounds, going for the record, until the record was dropped so not to encourage overfeeding animals. Television spots on Regis and Kelly, MSNBC, and Fox News ensued.







National Opt-out Day was a success, according to organizers. According to everyone else, not so much. The protest set for the busy American travel holiday, Thanksgiving, encouraged people to decline controversial new body scans and insist on a lengthier pat-down in order to cause delays. Participation numbers were low, but the planners say the point wasn’t the numbers, but the awareness.






B is for Busted. That’s what happened to one RCMP officer. After watching a YouTube clip of Cookie Monster petitioning to host Saturday Night Live, the officer hit the “like” button, or so he thought. Instead, he posted the video to the RCMP’s Twitter page. Almost three thousand comments later, the RCMP issued an apology with a promise to find the cookie culprit.

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