New parking system to be installed


author: elizabeth sahlmueller | staff writer

Don’t get a ticket / jeremy davis 

University to install new pay stations for parking

y next fall, the 400 parking meters currently located on campus will be replaced by electronic pay stations set up at 22 locations, yet to be decided, not only on the main campus, but also the College Avenue campus, as well.   

According to Pauline Tessier, from University Parking Services, this was a necessary shift for two reasons. Firstly, these parking metres are “vintage, highmaintenance [and] mechanical. 

They “accept only coins, require changes to be made at each meter [and cost too much money] to collect the coins from the meters,” each week.  

Secondly, they provide students with a “lack of options to add time,” which results in more parking tickets being issued.  

However, this will be solved with the installment of pay stations set up in parking lots and inside buildings, which will not only be easier and more convenient, but will also offer more “flexible parking solutions.” 

All the individual has to do is enter their license plate number, the zone they are in, and the amount of time they want to pay for. Payment rates will stay the same, but can now be paid with credit and debit card, in addition to coins.  

The pay station will also offer a printed receipt, but this no longer has to be displayed on the front dash of someone’s car.  

For tech savvy students, they can download the app and set up an account. Through this app, individuals can not only pay, but can also sign up for reminder texts as to when their time is about to expire.  

Individuals will also have an option at this point to add more time if they have been “delayed and need to park for longer than expected,” without having to run out to their car, according to Tessier.  

However, this time extension only applies if the individual has not “maximized the length of stay [within] the zone.”   

If the student has already paid for two hours, no more time can be added.  

As with any new changes, many students may wonder what this new system will cost them, but Tessier said it will “not cost the student population anything.”  

Instead, the cost will be covered by “the users of the parking system,” including “parking permit sales and…metered/pay station sales. 

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