Dumb TV

The bachelor and the bachelorette break hearts
Article: Destiny Kaus – A&C Writer
[dropcaps round=”no”]A[/dropcaps]h, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette: two popular TV shows that showcase a bachelor or bachelorette searching for love amongst a horde of eligible singles.
Now, let me be honest. I love watching these two shows. The drama makes me chuckle, and even though couples rarely work out, there’s a part of me that hopes each season that the bachelor or bachelorette will find everlasting love.
But, enough of that sap. Overall, I really do think these shows are exceedingly dumb and they shouldn’t exist because the process doesn’t work.
Why are The Bachelor and The Bachelorette so dumb? Well, first of all, the drama (as funny as it is) gets ridiculous. Girls can be so catty and guys can be so deceptive that all the drama takes away from the whole purpose of the show.
For example, in Season 17 of The Bachelor, Sean Lowe fell hard for Tierra LiCausi. This young lady literally made no friends on the show, argued her face off almost every episode, and burst into tears all the time.
Finally, nearing the end of the season, Sean sent her home. What an emotional rollercoaster that was.
Additionally, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are nearly pornographic. Bikini clad ladies and shirtless men plaster the TV screen, taking the focus of the shows from watching someone search for love to watching sexy bods run around on the screen. Dumb.
Google further showcases the utter dumbness of these shows. All I had to do was type in “Why is The Bachelor dumb?” or “Why is The Bachelorette dumb?” and I got bombarded by tons of blog posts and articles stating how stupid these shows are.
And what do I get when I type in, for example, “Why is The Bachelor awesome?” Nothing. *cue the crickets*
Along with the sheer stupidity of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, I honestly don’t think they should exist because so many of the couples who find love at the end of the show do not end up together in the weeks, months, and years following; the process doesn’t work.
According to Bachelor statistics, out of 17 seasons, 1 bachelor tied the knot with the young lady he proposed to on the final episode: Season 17’s Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici got married on Jan. 26 2014.
Season 13’s bachelor Jason Mesnick proposed to Melissa Rycroft, but dumped her after he realized he was really in love with runner-up Molly Malaney. To this day, Jason and Molly are still together.
According to Bachelorette statistics, out of 9 seasons, only 3 bachelorettes ended up finding true love: Season 1’s Trista Rehn, Season 7’s Ashley Hebert, and Season 9’s Desiree Hartsock.
With track records like these, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette should not exist. But, in my opinion, they still do because of the same reasons why they’re dumb: the drama and the half-naked bods.
[button style=”e.g. solid, border” size=”e.g. small, medium, big” link=”” target=””]Image: ABC[/button]