Discussing Anemone and their new album.
author: jael bartnik| multimedia editor.
A band, for sure. / Courtesy of Anemone
Rocking out with Coronaria
I’m back again with some more musings about local musicians. I know you were probably thinking gee, I haven’t read anything thing incoherent and lacking structure in a while. Well, buckle up kiddies cause your local punk contributor is back to write and rant [Editor’s Note: Whoop]. This time, more tasty licks to review. The band is called Anemone and if you haven’t seen them yet you’ll at least be able to check out their new album. The band consists of Cruz Anderson, Chris Dimas, and Nolan Grad all of whom have made significant contributions within Regina’s local music scene. The album? Coronaria
However, switching the subject from shameless praise and back to the album. This album is not for easy listening or the faint of heart. Heavy shredding and even heavy lyrics, which are fuelled by a loud and expressive vocalist, give the album a powerful edge. Songs such as “VIII” are fast, frantic, and intense, with a breakdown that makes you want to scream every word of the chorus so loud it could shatter glass. The song’s subject matter expresses intense emotions and mental states that if you have ever felt like being in some form of turmoil is relatable. This album reminds me of some of the music that helped me through some of the most difficult a lowest moments in my life thus far. When a type of music is powerful and expressive enough to get you through difficult stages in life it is usually a sign whatever your listening to is a force to be reckoned.
The sound is an overlap of hardcore and punk, which is always a nice musical grey area (at least in my opinion). This can give artists wiggle room to do whatever they want while still falling under a category that appeals to people who enjoy specific genres. Sub-genres and sub categories of music can be useful, but they can also turn into a bro music nerd wank fest that will leave you wishing you had never mentioned what kind of music you like in the first place. You can have bands who literally write completely different songs, create completely different music styles, but still fit within this sub category. Mind you, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that I am terrible with genre. I mean obviously your not going to point at a d-beat album and sheik “Hey is this country?”
But back to the point this album is heavy so if you are a person who favours music softer and of a more upbeat variety then maybe try in small doses. You never kno,; trying something new is always good and isn’t that the spirit of new years resolutions? The album ends with a haunting piano track that brings the album to a whole to an end making the listener feel a sense of peace in passing. The album has ended and now what ever you felt in the beginning and middle has passed. I always enjoy when heavier music with tracks that contrast the intensity of their music with tracks that gradually pull you our of an emotional intense state back into calm serenity. Or at least that’s how I feel about it. If you have other opinion then I don’t know write an op-ed article or some shit.
Sometimes the most important part of connecting with music means you can feel an emotional connection. If you can feel like just listening to some kind of music inspires you to keep creating, helps you express pain or rage, then the importance of supporting local musicians who put something our their you enjoy is key. I can easily say that I enjoyed this album and would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for something that is heavier in sound but also has genuine lyrics that give authentic emotion and experience expressed in a method suitable. Even if you’re not a fan of heavier music, I would still say live a little and try something new because you never know you might find that this is an album that might pique your interest.