Adelita’s Way: Making it big, and what’s next


Author: ethan butterfield | Contributor

Adelita's Way

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Adelita’s Way talks about their new album, making it big, and what’s next

Hey everyone! I hope the summer has been treating you well. Recently I talked with lead singer Rick DeJesus of Adelita’s Way to talk about their new album ‘Getaway’ and more. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the name, Adelita’s Way is a hard rock band from Las Vegas, who was formed in 2006. The band’s debut single “Invincible” broke them into the mainstream. Here’s what Rick had to say:


Ethan: What are Adelita’s Way’s musical influences, if any? Are any of them more significant then others?

Rick: We love great songs; each player brings their own taste. I’m a songs guy and product of the 90’s; Trev loves Incubus and California rock; Rob’s guitar playing is heavily influenced by classic rock, The Stones, Zeppelin; and Andrew loves metal.


Ethan: What was the feeling when the group first came together? Was it difficult getting started in music? Was writing music difficult?

Rick: The music business is very tough, so it’s very hard and challenging; you just have to stay strong-minded. I’m a songwriter so I love to write, but like everything in life, writing has its challenges, but it’s very organic at times and just great for my soul.



Ethan: How did it feel when your self-titled album was released? Anything you’d want to redo looking back on it?

Rick: I felt so blessed. We worked very hard on getting to that point and during those times having your album released on a major label was a huge deal.


Ethan: When playing live, are there any covers that the band enjoys performing? Which Adelita’s Way song, in your opinion, gets the biggest pop from the crowd?

Rick: We play all originals but aren’t opposed to covers – our new single “Bad Reputation” gets a lot of love. “Alive” is another one people love.


Ethan: The group has performed with many notable acts throughout the years. Which band/bands have you guys enjoyed performing with the most?

Rick: Three Days Grace was great, Breaking Benjamin was memorable, Shinedown, we have been blessed to tour with great acts.


Ethan: The album ‘Getaway’ was released Feb. 26, 2016 with critical approval by fans. Do you feel like you did anything different this time around?

Rick: We did a lot more jamming with the four of us. On other records, I wrote the songs. More than half of ‘Getaway’ was a collaborative effort.


Ethan: What did you and the group enjoy about the new album? Any songs you guys especially had fun with during recording? Any that were stressful to make?

Rick: We always have fun in the studio. Besides ‘Stuck,’ every album we have made has been memorable and fun. We enjoy the process.


Ethan: Last question, if you can. What can we expect from Adelita’s Way in the future? Any new material just on the horizon?

Rick: We are gonna promote ‘Getaway,’ tour, play shows, get the word out about the album!


There you have it. Adelita’s Way is on the rise and as far as I can see, they can go nowhere but up. ‘Getaway’ is available now!


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