URSU board meeting: Jan. 31


Despite being scheduled for 5:30, the University of Regina Students’ Union board of directors meeting on Jan. 31 didn’t start until exactly 5:59 p.m. Many of the board’s members were sidelined by the inclement weather. Eventually, enough people arrived for the board meeting to commence.

The meeting started with a report by Drew Baldock, the chief returning officer [CRO] for the upcoming URSU election. Baldock and URSU’s executive told the board about conflicting policies between URSU’s constitution and its election bylaws; though the dates for the election had been voted on by the board, the CRO’s decision is the binding one. After some discussion, the dates were moved to Mar. 16 and 17, to allow for some campaigning after the weekend.

With three groups asking for funding – the Faculty of Education’s Arts PLACE program, the Faculty of Engineering’s CANstruction project, and the Graduate Students’ Association’s International Night planning committee – it came up that URSU’s project-funding budget is starting to run dry due to what president Kyle Addison referred to as a marked increase in requests for funding over this fiscal year.

After a lengthy presentation on StudentCare – effectively an informational seminar and quarterly report from StudentCare’s Pacific-West director – the board lost quorum. The board was forced to adjourn; while the executive did read their reports, they were obligated to do so again at the next meeting as well.

The next URSU board meeting was scheduled for Monday, Feb. 7. This was after the Carillon’s press time, so the report on that meeting and the date of the next meeting will be published in our next issue.

John Cameron

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