In order to align with the requirements of a non-profit in Saskatchewan, The Carillon Newspaper Inc. will be hosting a Special General Meeting (SGM) on Monday, November 20 from 3-6 p.m. in the Riddell Centre’s Multipurpose room (RC128). This meeting is a place for students at the University of Regina – the membership of our non-profit – to hear about the business our organization has been conducting and to take part in our governance process.

If you plan on bussing to this meeting, transit routes 3, 4, 18, 22, and 30 will all be able to transport you directly to the university’s main campus. There is also paid parking available just west of the Riddell Centre. Once you enter the main doors of the Riddell Centre you’ll turn left, then take your first left into the hallway that leads to the Lazy Owl before turning right to enter the Multipurpose room. There will be a limited number of soup and wraps catered by 13th Avenue Coffee House, so make sure you get in early if you’d like something to munch on through the meeting which will start at 3!

At this meeting you can expect a short run-through of proper procedures at an SGM, updates on the non-profit and publication areas of the students’ newspaper, and the opportunity to vote on motions with the aim to better the organization. Students attending will have the option to add items to the agenda on the day of the meeting, but may also contact board chair Tayef Ahmed ( to add items to the agenda before October 31.

The only requirement to attend is that you bring your student ID card with you, as we’re obligated to record attendance and ensure attendees are part of our non-profit membership. We greatly encourage you to make the time to attend and support this student service that a small portion of your tuition fees helps to fund, and look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it.

Our 2023 SGM Agenda